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Magnus looked at his son. Then towards Hannah, his eyes appraising Holland, Aspen and Max. Caspian watched his father, recognising the expression the hard man wore when he was considering new information. His father didn't look more unhappy than was usual.  "My son," Magnus's strong voice rang out, amplified by his dragon. "This human said he would be able to rid you of your unfortunate chosen human mate. Claiming he was her former lover and is willing to be again" Magnus's cold, calculating eyes turned towards Carson. Who had no idea the trouble he was in.

Looking away from a now slightly sweating Carson, Magnus regarded his youngest, and only bastard son. His dragons favourite. In spite Caspian's low rank and position."You said you had mated a human." Magnus accused, a brief flicker of his eyes towards Caspian's flock huddled together at the edge of the clearing.

"I had spoke true Father, she was pure and unclaimed when I claimed her as mine. The next day she met her fated mate Holland Chisholm, of the The Chisholm's you desire more connections with. We also found a second fated mate Max, whose lands we stand on now, future site of a resort and business development with Damon Black." Caspian relished the look of surprise he caught on his father's face for just a moment. "Finally, the Forest Fae, previously enslaved to Carson, was destined for Hannah, and has joined his soul to hers." The final claim announced, Caspian only waited a moment for the information to register with his father.

Just wanting peace. No real desire to fight his father, Caspian decided to be honest. Hoping that his father would see reason just this one time, "I have done as you asked father, I claimed a mate who will bring us status, connections, and new business opportunities." Caspian paused to give himself a moment to look at his flock. Bolstered anew to find peace Caspian tried to make his father hear him. "Carson, has abused two of my mates, and misused magic as a human with insufficient oversight," Caspian paused, trying to make sure his final words would ensure the most pain for Carson. "Whatever Carson has told you, it was only to try and better his own position, you have been manipulated." knowing the insult of a human trying to manipulate Magnus would be the gravest insult possible. Relishing the immediate rage that followed.

Caspian felt his father summon more of his entourage. Caspian recognised all. Ella the succubus appeared from nothing, with three of Magnus's choice inquisitors. Ella took one look around and sensing trouble zipped herself right back out after delivering what Caspian's father wanted. A stone Fae named Brock, a witch named Bela who had strong psychic powers and a morally gray vampire named Dale who had traded his freedom to serve Magnus in exchange for a sun charm to walk in daylight.

Bela the witch looked the least intimidating. Short of statue with delicate features and skin just as pale as the vampire's. A teenaged girl who looked far too frail and unwell to be any danger. It was too easy for people to overlook her as a threat when she was next to the towering rock Fae and his bulging muscled body or the attractive vampire on her other side standing close to her, protectively. 

Underestimating Bela was a mistake people only made once. If Caspian didn't hate Carson with the fury and heat of a supernova he might have considered feeling sorry for Carson. As things currently stood, Caspian was thrilled to watch the man burn.

Carson had finally worked his way into a corner he wasn't able to weasel his way out. Magnus looked towards Bela, his favourite of his kept pets. "Bela. Sweet child, investigate that man's head, tell me his intentions." Bela nodded, face set and cold as she approached. "Oh and Bela dear, no need to be gentle with this one." Bela knew her place. She had paused when Magnus spoke, heard his words and nodded again as she continued to approach Carson. Relieved that she didn't need to try and hold back the torrent that was her power. Sometimes, it was all too much for her.

Carson had made like he would run. Brock had instantly appeared behind Carson and held his arms behind his back in a not gentle lock hold. Carson hadn't even managed a single step. As Bela raised her hand towards Carson, he started to scream that they couldn't do this to him, begging for them to stop. His pleading fell on deaf ears. No one had sympathy for him here.

Bela touched Carson's forehead with one finger, a glow around her slender finger where it met Carson's flesh. She closed her eyes and grimaced. Some dragons could read active thoughts, others could read memories or touch dreams. Their skills were there, but low in power, and unreliable. Bela had no boundaries. As she prodded deeper into Carson, the man began to scream as his mind was forcefully pulled open. Everything he was laid bare to Bela.

It had only taken a minute, when Bela's face contorted like she was in pain and Dale pulled her back from Carson. Breaking the link. Bela and Carson both threw up immediately after the link was severed. Brock let Carson crumple to the ground while still retching. Knowing the man wouldn't be moving on his own. Dale had lowered Bela to the ground and was now sat behind her, cradling the witch lovingly as she recovered from her efforts.

When Bela nodded, indicating she was ok after a few moments, Dale helped her stand and walk to Magnus. Speaking too softly for any of Hannah's mates to hear. Caspian knew this was intentional. His father had been prodding against Caspian's mind the entire time. Seeking to re-establish his link and control over Caspian.

If Caspian accepted his father's influence, then their dragons would have shared information. Caspian was not going to accept his father. He had new loyalties, ones he wouldn't do anything to risk. Being linked to his father was too great a risk.

Hannah, Aspen, Holland and Max were all on edge. Waiting to see what would happen next. Curiosity over what Bela had discovered driving everyone near mad. Except Max who was trying to mind link enough pack members to stand down, that the dragons were a family matter, that he would explain later.

Caspian was studying his father's face, and did not miss how his father's face blanched for a moment over something Bela told him. Caspian, Holland, and Max all able to scent that something in Carson's mind had deeply scared the witch, and worried Caspian's father.

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