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The meal was lovely, the reception was wild. Denver and Austin were sequestered with a very happy succubus earlier than Holland had bet on. The rest of his relations had more or less behaved during the reception. Only three new mates had been found. A rather low score considering the guest list.

Celestia had left almost immediately after the dinner. Leaving everyone else to gossip about the eldest of lord Magnus's children and her more particular nature than most were accustomed to. Nile wanted to leave with Celestia as well, but he elected to stay when his wife requested it. Nile was worse than useless in Caspian's estimation, even Nile knew a little effort to keep his wife content was in his best interest.

Caspian, Aspen, Holland and Max had all taken turns dancing with Hannah. She had celebrated with her father, until he tired, and Judy took him back to her own home. That was being modified to better suit someone with limited mobility. Colton would readily admit being with a woman who looked like Judy and was also able to easily lift him from his chair to the bed was strange, he would just as easily say that he more than enjoyed it.

Late in the evening, three new mates found and several bed mates for one night found. Hannah finally admitted she was tired and danced out. Admitting in a quiet voice while she mostly leaned into Max on the dancefloor.  "Let's go home." She said as she swayed in something almost like a dance between Max and Holland on the dance floor. Caspian was waiting to hear those words and seemed to appear beside her, Aspen hot on his heels. "Lets go home." Everyone agreed.

Holland swept Hannah up in his arms, carrying her from the yard of the pack house, down the woods path and to their secluded, newly finished home. Hannah was nearly asleep. Holland Handed her over to Max. This was his pack, his lands, he should carry her inside first. The act of switching Hannah to Max also help rouse her from the near sleep state she had been in.

Caspian opened the door. Only Holland had seen the finished inside of the house. Max had seen the outside, but Holland had wanted it to be a surprise for as many of them as possible. The result was better than Caspian and Holland had ever imagined possible.

Hannah wriggled in Max's arms until he put her down in the great room. A enormous open living, dining and kitchen space. Concentric squares of long hardwood slats separated each space until the exposed high beamed ceiling. It was the kind of home Hannah had only ever seen on television or in magazines. Like a celebrity lived here instead of Hannah and her mates.

"Come. Lets go to bed." Caspian called from the entrance to a hallway. Hannah was the first to follow Caspian through the still unfamiliar home. Aspen, quick to join Hannah. Holland and Max holding hands as they wa;led together last.

Hannah followed Caspian to a beautiful bedroom. A custom made bed the focal point. A fireplace on the wall central to the building. A wall of windows looking towards the forest, the walls a deep green with dark wood on the trim and floor. There was a washroom in the space next door, along with a walk in closet with space for Caspian, Holland, Max and Aspen to house all their clothes and shoes. Even after Caspian finished his shopping for everyone. A dressing room, a space for Hannah on the other side. Only accessible from the master bedroom. It had more than enough space for almost any hobby she took an interest in. A space just for her in the Palace Holland and Caspian had built for her on Max's land.

Not that Hannah had much of a chance to appreciate the furniture, colors of the wall, choices in flooring and everything else that turned the newly built house into a real home. As soon as they were in the bedroom, Caspian went to the wall to wall windows and hit a switch to move the drapes out of the way. Basking the entire room is soft silver moonlight.

Aspen silently went to a small table near the closet, his work in progress there with several hand tools. As he walked, Hannah took his hand and kissed his cheek. Caspian nodded at Holland and Max. It was their mating ceremony night. They would have the chance to undress Hannah from her exquisite dress. Enjoy the beautiful fierce woman the Goddess had hoped Max and Holland would find in this life along with each other.

Caspian stayed by the window, more than happy to enjoy watching for now. Holland and Max prowled closer to Hannah, Working in tandem, both hunting her in the small room. Hannah stoof still, in her beautiful dress. Eyes wide, an excited smirk on her face as the moon light made her pale skin nearly glow in the soft light.

"You were perfect tonight baby girl." Holland praised Hannah. She was going to turn this place on its head and Holland couldn't wait to see her do it. His hands starting to slide on shoulder down her arm, revealing her wonderful decolletage, the shadows in the moonlight highlighting that she was all womanly curves, with olympic strength in the muscles under her skin.

"I don't think everyone liked the ceremony as much as I did" Hannah said. Everyone, even Aspen made a hushing sound.

The dress slid down Hannah's arms to settle at her hips. Leaving her naked from the waist up. In the moon light. "If they didn't enjoy tonight, they wont like anything in the near future." Max told her.

"Forget about anyone else outside this room." Holland growled over top of Max's rational words. Holland swept Hannah into his arms. Her soft skin and tone muscles under his hands as she melted into him. Kissing him harder than he had taken her lips with his. Hannah turned towards Max. Grabbing his tie and pull him towards her and Holland.

Hannah and Holland took turns kissing Max, kissing each other. As all three worked to get Max and Holland out of the bow tie, and tie, jackets, shirts, under shirts. Shoes kicked off. Belt's undone. The soft gentle sounds of wood being slowly carved, sanded and shaped coming from the corner. Hannah knew Aspen was happy, his little carving of Hannah morphing as he worked, trying to show all the best of her expressions, to catch how some parts of her hair could curl into perfect ringlets, while other parts only had a slight wave. As Aspen daydreamed about how to best show the unique copper blonde color of Hannah's hair in his statuette, things between Holland, Max and Hannah escalated quickly as Caspian enjoyed the show and Aspen carved Hannah.

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