98 Epilogue II

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After dinner everyone had retired to their great room, Holland, Caspian and Hannah watching a movie, while Aspen and Max worked on their carving projects. Aspen had finished carving Hannah in the image of a goddess, and was now working to create a statuette of each of Hannah's mates to stand with her. Max was working on a new Cardcaptor Sakura model, because he and Hannah had taken to watching the cartoon together during lazy moments they had together.

Hannah barely made it fifteen minutes into the movie before she fell asleep. The strange pregnancy was taking a toll on her. Paired with how hard she had been pushing her performance staff, and trying to ensure every thing she was responsible for ahead of the resort opening was well in line. She needed a baby moon, but wouldn't let them spoil her like they all wanted to. Not until she felt confident the resort opening would go smoothly.

After the movie ended, Holland Carried Hannah to the bedroom, taking off her socks, pants and the sweater, tucking her into the bed in just her panties and soft bralette. She was so tired she barely stirred being moved to the bed, or as one by one her mates joined in the bed after ensuring the home was clean, locked, and everything ready for the next morning. Holland, Caspian, Max and Aspen settling in to sleep.

Hannah woke in the darkness from a sound sleep with a scream. A sharp, forceful contraction that felt like it was nearly going to cut her body in half had roused her from her deep sleep. Her cry of pain waking all her mates in a panic. Holland, Max and Aspen all asking her if she was ok, was it the baby? Hannah nodded. Short of breath. Trying to rouse her sluggish mind. Trying to remember what she needed to do once she went into labour. The doctor had been telling her at every appointment, but she found she couldn't remember now.

Caspian felt something in the air, and left the bed, his feet barely hitting the floor before Hannah cried out again, bending over at her middle as best she could around the large pregnancy bump. Caspian went to the closet where he had secreted the egg his dragon had brought home, finding the top cracked open, a beautiful gold dragon with lines of emerald down its body and along the top of its wings. Innocent black eyes looking at Caspian, as the baby dragon established its link to Caspian's dragon.

The tiny newborn dragon hopped from it's cracked egg, up onto Caspian's arm. Scuttling up to curl up on his shoulder. Tiny clawed feet digging into Caspian's skin. The dragon hatching was confirmation enough that Hannah's pregnancy had reached full term. Caspian had heard Hannah cry out twice more while he had gone to check on the egg. Her contractions were coming far too quickly he worried.

Caspian returned to the main bedroom on swift, fleet feet. To find Hannah sat on the floor, a puddle of her waters on the floor around her. Shaking her head as another contraction made her feel like her body was trying to tear itself apart. "I can't." She was protesting as Holland and Max tried to convince her to head to the pack hospital, to the modern birthing suite that was fully equipped with everything that could possibly be needed during a delivery.

It had barely been thirty seconds before another contraction tore through Hannah. Caspian looked at Aspen, who was also worried, Holland and Max had woken up worried and their moods only intensified in the minutes since. Hannah's hands started to slap everyone away. "I can't, something's wrong, this isn't right." Hannah was protesting. "I feel like I need to push." Hannah's eyes scrunched up again, another contraction.

The tiny dragon on Caspian's shoulder squawked a little bird like sound. Leaping from Caspian's shoulder, tiny wings stretching wide as the baby dragon glided to Hannah, moving to curl around her shoulders, reaching its long neck to bump it's snout against her cheek. Hannah's eyes went wide, as she looked at the tiny dragon that had come to her. "The egg?" Hannah asked, only having a moment before again her eyes twisted closed again and everyone could feel the pain her body was experiencing.

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