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Two hours later, a starving Hannah needed to go back to the main pack house to eat a real meal. Caspian wanted to get back to the basement and check on Judy and Aspen. He worried over leaving Aspen alone to manage the wards and holds on Judy too long. Hannah was happier than Caspian had ever felt her heart to be. 

Her father had been humming with the music as the ambulance door opened. It had slowed during the transfer up to his room, but once the music started to play in his room he began to hum along again. Hannah had fussed and made sure he was settled until she had finally agreed to go when her stomach grumbling was too loud too ignore.

They had been walking in silence since they had said good bye to Emma at the entrance to the nursing home until Hannah spoke. "He smiled, he really was humming, he looked at both of us when I introduced you!" Hannah was so happy, Caspian wasn't sure how to reply to her.

Her father did not seem to be in charge of his own faculties in any real way that Holland could tell. He was making a noise; compared to the original recording he was supposed to be emulating it wasn't truly humming a tune as far as Caspian could tell. His dragon was the one to let him know that neither Deloris or Hannah had seen as much of a reaction to outside stimuli in Colton in months. That the small amount of intentional communication on his part truly was a massive deal to each of them. 

He had heard rumours that some new healing magic had been learned recently, he was going to have to look into that rumor more carefully on the chance that something more could be done for Colton. The dragon was mute on giving out any further details, though he did approve of Caspian's urge to try and seek out more assistance.

Holland and Max were already waiting in the basement, the only place right now where all of Hannah's mates could be together. Hannah's steps started to move quicker, Caspian right behind her as they went down the steps. "Aspen is worried." She said, making Caspian rush ahead.

Hannah was shocked when they made it to the basement. Aspen was clearly struggling to hold Judy who had gone wild again. Caspian immediately joined his strength to Aspen. Taking some of the pressure off the diminutive elf. "I don't know what set her off, she had been calm until just a moment ago." He said, wiping sweat from his brow.

Everyone was standing around. Shocked as the two magic wielders struggled to maintain their hold on Judy, everyone glancing through the window and back around the room. When just as suddenly as Judy's latest tantrum started, it ended, and she sat down willingly on the floor, eyes glued to Max.

"My wolf says hers wants to talk to me..." Max said. Looking first to Hannah, her eyes wide, then Max looked to Holland who nodded his head. Finally Caspian.

"The dragon will guard you, if you want to try and open the link to your mother again." Caspian told Max. Hoping with everything that this latest change could lead to something positive. The fact that Judy's wolf had not fled her was impressive, Caspian was certain the wolf would have retreated back to the kingdom of the Moon Goddess the moment Judy allowed the darkness in her heart.

Hannah went to Max, holding his hand. Sending him support, and any strength she could spare. Max closed his eyes, and felt for the link towards his mother, then tried to focus on just the wolf. All the while Judy sat, peacefully on the floor, staring at the small window of her cell door. Max went pale as his eyes flew open once again.

"Her wolf, she-" Max was flustered, stumbling over his words, like he couldn't believe what his mother's wolf had told him over their brief communication. "She says they can scent their mate. A second chance mate?" Sounding very unsure. His father and mother had been fated, of the same pack, they had known the moment his mother had shifted that they were for each other.

The dragon immediately began to seek out Judy, trying to learn what he could, while Holland and Max tried to explain what this meant to Hannah. "The answer was on the way, there is only one, new man who arrived on the pack today." Caspian said, as the dragon helped him put the pieces back together. Looking towards Hannah.

"You don't think she thinks my dad is her mate do you? He's paralysed and the brain injury-" Hannah choked up. "Dad couldn't be a mate, not like you all are to me." Everyone heard the whining sound from the cell as Judy still remained seated on the floor.

Aspen looked into the cell, as Holland tried to comfort Hannah who was significantly over her head regarding what to think now. "Um, guys? Judy is pushing back the darkness, she's trying to come back." Everyone crowded close around Aspen, even Hannah could see dark, inky trails of vapor rising from Judy, twisting in the air and getting caught in the spider's webs. Turning the nearly invisible silken strands dark as they absorbed the evil Judy had been harbouring.

Everyone was looking as Judy started to silently cry, tears running down her cheeks from both eyes. "I'm sorry." They could all read on her lips though the spells containing her ensured no actual sound escaped her cell.

"She's apologising in the link, I think I believe her?" Max looked towards Caspian and Aspen. They were the two who were best able to sense the darkness, Max desperately hoped that what he thought was happening was actually the case.

Caspian took a moment to consider all the information he now had. Weighing the options, "Colton has only just arrived, regardless of anything else he should be allowed a night to rest and settle into his new home." Caspian looked over just in time to see Hannah smile. He could feel how much it meant to her that Caspian was considering her father's needs. "Judy will remain guarded, in her cell tonight. Tomorrow we can ascertain if she has truly managed to rid herself of the corruption, if the pull of her second chance mate was enough to bring her back."

"I don't think my father can be her mate though." Hannah started to protest, until Holland nudged her. Looking towards Max.

"The Goddess wills as she will Hannah. For now, how about we head up to the apartment, make some dinner. We'll talk more and see how things stand in the morning." Holland offered as a stopgap. Everyone daring to be optimistic that Judy could be strong enough to fight back the corrupting darkness.

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