99 Bonus

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Four sets of preschool registration forms were spread out on the table in front of Hannah and Aspen. Their designated task for the afternoon. There was a knock at the front door, Hannah went to answer it, already having some idea who might be on the other side. Having two top guesses.

Both of Hannah's top options for a knock at the door were actually there together. Cara quickly blurting out, "We didn't plan this," Holding up a similar bundle of forms in her hand, looking confused.

Judy was also there, looking sheepish, holding out her own bundle of paperwork. "Things have changed a lot since Maxxie was little." She said. "It's just preschool, why so much paperwork?" Hannah chuckled softly while shaking her head. Wolves she had learned, were actually very bad at paperwork almost as a rule.

Several rounds of tea, before a final celebratory glass of wine for the final checks, it seemed like everyone's children were ready for their preschool enrolment. Cara and Judy went home, separate play dates set up for the quints with Cara and Bryan's son Branson, and another the day after with Judy and Colton's son, Hannah and Max's half brother biologically, little Luke. Making Luke the quints uncle, even though the girls were two months older.

After finally finishing the lengthy goodbye with Cara and Judy, Hannah went back to the table to give the forms one last final check with Aspen. Finally satisfied she attached a paperclip to each set. Looking through the new record of her children. Cassiopeia Music Greenrivers, dragon, magic box ticked. One last glance through and everything was in order. Penelope Kate and Pandora Hattie Greensleeves, both had the box for wolf ticked, no magic. Finally Lumi Oaklyn Greenrivers, big check on the magic box, big check on the box for powers emotionally linked, and a small paragraph written in the available space.

Lumi was a sweet and thoughtful small person, with a big sense of fairness, and a lot of very big feelings. She was apparently an electric Fae. First known of her kind. Hannah had done her best to compress all her children into the forms. Checking boxes and answering questions that seemed both too hard and too vague at the same time.

"I don't like official paperwork very much." Aspen said, tidying up the dishes from the snacks from the impromptu form study group. Hannah felt stressed and agreed with Aspen, and then she felt lightheaded. It still seemed like only yesterday she had somehow managed to give birth to four, perfect, healthy wonderful baby girls in this very house. Four amazing kids who had kept her busy every single day since. Caspian had been doing almost all the work for the resort that had flourished since opening. Almost every weekend booked to capacity, often more than three quarters full on weekdays.

Hannah still was involved with the direct talent management. Though in a much less hands on way than she had been before her children were born. She looked at the completed forms. They represented hours of her day that her sweet girls weren't going to need her anymore. She wasn't sure what she would do with herself. She loved being with the girls, seeing everyone's first milestone.

Loved convincing Cassi that no fire was not the answer to most problems. Not that the tiny spark she was capable of at this point was much of a true fire risk. She wouldn't ever say it out loud, but she was always amazed watching Pandora and Penny wrestle and tumble across the house. They were so passionate and lively and so far hadn't broken anything. Anything important at least. They never really wanted to hurt each other. They just had a lot of movement in their tiny bodies they needed to get out.

Then there was Lumi. Hannah looked towards the window where the smallest and quietest of her children had set up a small window garden of seedlings. Tiny, toddler made picture symbols on wooden craft sticks highlighted her current plant experiments. Lumi saw her sisters, saw how they seemed to mirror one or in the wolves case, two of their dads. Lumi was alone. She wanted to be a dragon like Caspian, or a wolf like Holland and Max, or hear the forest like Aspen and her mother could. Aspen did what he could to keep Lumi's plants healthy. The forest Fae couldn't perform miracles, no matter how much he wanted to keep his daughter happy.

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