chapter 15

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Victor's POV:

As I contemplated the strange encounter with the girl, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The vacant look in her eyes and her cryptic response left me with more questions than answers. And then there was the nightmare she experienced on the day she arrived. It all seemed too coincidental.

My curiosity was piqued, and I decided to investigate further. I wondered if she had any training in martial arts, which could be a possible explanation for her guarded demeanour. If she did, it could indicate that something traumatic had happened to her in the past. I mulled over my plan for the rest of the day, determined to put it into action the following day.

the following morning at breakfast:

As I made my announcement during breakfast, the room fell silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I laid my silverware on the table. "I need to tell you something," I said, my voice steady.

My brothers looked at me expectantly, and Isabella remained silent, her expression unreadable. "I've chosen to teach Isabella self-defence," I said firmly.

Leonardo spoke up immediately, his tone authoritative. "No need, we are here to defend her," he declared.

Isabella spoke up quietly, "I already know martial arts."

The room erupted in chaos as my brothers all shouted in unison, "You what!"

Ignoring their protests, I continued, "Very well, I want you to fight with Maximo. We wish to know how much you know."

Maximo taunted her, "I have no faith she is capable of throwing a punch."

Isabella's response was stern and to the point. "When?" she asked.

I replied, "After 10 minutes."

Isabella stood up and walked away. "I will change my clothes and come," she said, her voice calm and collected.

Romeo spoke up sternly, "Go easy on her."

Maximo chuckled and rose from his seat. I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. I had a feeling that Isabella was a better martial artist than any of us.

As we made our way to the gym, my brothers continued to protest. "Impossible," they each declared in unison.

We'll see, my dearly-loved brothers.

 I knew better. Isabella had a strength and determination that I had never seen before. She had been through something traumatic, and yet she had come out on the other side stronger. I had no doubt that she would be able to hold her own against Maximo.


fight scene ahead but you will have to wait for a few days since I  uploaded these chapters early (only by a day though because i returned early) 

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