Chapter 53

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I swear I wrote this chapter just a day after the previous chapter but then I got stuck at the end of the chapter and couldn't decide on so many things. (mentions of killing and death)

Victor's POV:

Staring into the abyss of a gut-wrenching dilemma, I grappled with the choice laid before me. On one side stood the mafia- my father's hard work for which he gave his life. On the other, the twisted game Ivan played- my youngest sibling lives. But I refused to let my mafia become Ivan's marionette.

I won't surrender our legacy willingly, my resolve is firm. This blood runs deep, and I won't forsake it for Ivan's cruel urges.

I squared my shoulders, meeting Ivan's furious gaze with determination. "I won't hand over my empire to the likes of you. The La Cosa Nostra is not a pawn in your game, Ivan."

A malicious grin crept onto Ivan's face as he leaned forward, elbows resting on the table. "Victor, my friend, you underestimate the consequences of your choices. Your refusal has far-reaching implications, not just for you but for everyone you hold dear."

I scoffed, unyielding. "I've faced consequences before, Ivan. This won't be any different. The D'Angelo name won't be tarnished by submission."

Sergey, Ivan's sinister right-hand man, moved closer, his presence adding weight to Ivan's threats. "Victor, you're pushing your luck. The boss has a proposition, and it's in your best interest to listen."

I shot back, my voice unwavering. "I won't negotiate with the likes of you. I built this empire, and I won't let it crumble at the whims of Ivan Pavlov."

Ivan's eyes narrowed, the pretence of calm slipping away. "You're a stubborn one, Victor. But let's not forget, your stubbornness could cost you more than you're willing to lose."


Isabella's POV:

what the hell was happening here? oh god, where are Sandy and the others?

Ivan's rage simmered a malicious fire in his eyes. "Your brother has made his play, Isabella," he growled. "But this is a game, and every move has consequences. Chess, my dear, is a game of strategy, and I always have a backup plan."  the poison had numbed me completely, I couldn't fight anymore.

The room plunged into a tense silence as Ivan's furious statement echoed, the weight of his words settling over us like a suffocating cloak. Suddenly, a shadow emerged behind Victor, and the cold muzzle of a gun pressed against his temple.

Victor tensed, a primal instinct coursing through him, but Ivan's chilling command sliced through the air. "Kneel," he sneered, the satisfaction evident in his voice.

A man, exerted pressure on Victor's shoulders, forcing him down. The clatter of weapons hitting the floor punctuated the room's stillness as a collective gasp escaped my family members, their eyes widening in shock and fury, even I was shocked how is this possible?"One wrong move and it's your last."

Ivan's laughter cut through the silence, a taunting melody. "Ah, Victor D'Angelo, on your knees where you belong."

Victor's jaw clenched, the struggle evident in his eyes, but the gun's unyielding pressure kept him subdued. The tension in the room was more than just real; it seemed like storm clouds gathering to swallow us all.

Amidst the subdued chaos, Sergey came closer. The glint of the gun in his hand mirrored the coldness in his eyes. "Don't make a sound," he hissed, his breath sending a shiver down my spine.

Edward. My heart screamed his name, but the alarming threat held my voice captive.

Sergey, with a cruel smirk, snatched Edward from my trembling arms. The little boy thrashed and squirmed, tears streaking down his terrified face. My own desperation mirrored in his innocent eyes.

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