Chapter 56

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Hey! This is my last chapter and it's kind of heartbreaking. I have a note coming up don't worry. And It's kind of short.

Victor's POV-

I failed- I failed my late father, my sibling and mostly myself. I had sworn I would protect all my siblings, especially Isabella but now here I am standing in a black suit getting ready to bury my sister- I mean my late sister and my soul. Yes, Ivan and Sergey were killed but not by me by Liam. he was a better brother to her than me. He had come to the hospital after they gave us that news and he blamed me for it so did all her men. I feel the eyes of passersby filled with pity, their sympathetic gazes only serving to intensify my anguish. It felt like the world was judging our failures.

I feel the weight of guilt settles upon my shoulders like an unforgiving burden. I failed to protect her, failed to save her from this tragic fate. I gazed at her closed casket, a vessel that now held the fragments of my shattered family. But amidst my own torment, I glance at my brothers, each one bearing their own pain, their own tears mingling with mine.

The priest's voice drifts through the air, his words laced with a solemnity that matches the heaviness in my soul. "We gather here today to say our final goodbyes to Isabella, a cherished daughter, sister, and friend. Her light shone brightly in our lives, and though she is no longer with us, her spirit will forever live on."

In the midst of the mourning crowd, I catch glimpses of our uncles and aunts, their faces etched with sorrow and tears. Our grandparents couldn't come- they didn't want to come. Grandma had collapsed when she heard the news.

Tears stream down my face, mingling with the rain that begins to fall, as I turn to my brothers, seeking solace in their presence. "I couldn't save her," I whisper, my voice choked with grief. "I failed her. I failed us all."

Romeo, his voice trembling, reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. "Victor, you did everything you could. We all did. This...this is not your fault. We're all hurting, but blaming ourselves won't bring her back."

Leo, his voice filled with a mixture of pain and determination, adds, "Isabella would want us to remember her with love, not drown in guilt. We must find strength in each other, for her sake."

I stood next to my family, as we all watched the casket of our sister being lowered into a gaping black hole.

She deserved the entire world, but what she got was being buried under the earth. And I couldn't do anything to change her fate- her life. She didn't deserve the pain she went through all those years.

As the casket is gently lowered into the ground, the sound of dirt hitting the wood sends a shiver down my spine. The finality of it all seeps into my bones, and I can no longer contain the overwhelming sorrow that engulfs me. I wanted to scream, to rewind time and rewrite our tragic tale.

"I'm sorry, Isabella," I whisper, tears blurring my vision. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry for all the times I let you down."

The priest's voice rises again, his words a bittersweet reminder of the love we shared. "Let us find solace in our memories of Isabella, in the laughter and joy she brought to our lives. Let us honour her by supporting one another in this time of need."

Gio's eyes bore into me, a silent accusation. "Why couldn't we protect her, Victor?" he muttered, his voice barely audible over the priest's prayers.

Armando tried to offer solace. "We did what we could, Victor. This was beyond our control."

Antonio, spoke up, his voice laced with regret. "We should have seen it coming. We should have done more."

Maximo clenched his fists, the struggle evident in his eyes. "Damn it, Victor, we failed her."

"Why, Victor?" Gio's voice trembled with anger and grief. "You were supposed to protect her. You and Uncle Leander. You failed."

Enzo's eyes bore into mine, his accusation stinging. "She trusted you both. Look where it got her. Dead."

Niccolo, stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. "Gio, Enzo, this isn't the time for blame. We're all hurting. Victor and Uncle Leander did what they could."

Gio's anger flared, "What they could? Is that all? Isabella's gone, Niccolo."

Niccolo intervened, "Victor and Uncle Leander aren't to blame alone. Isabella made choices, too. We can't change what happened, but we can find a way forward together."

My chest tightened with guilt and pain. Gio's accusing gaze, Enzo's words, and Uncle Leander's helplessness, my sibling's silence all pointed to the fact that I, too, was a participant in this tragedy. Isabella's death was my failure,

As the last of the mourners depart, I can no longer bear the weight of my grief. I collapse to my knees, my body shaking with sorrow. The pain reverberates through every fibre of my being, and the tears flow freely as if they could wash away the guilt and anguish that consume me.

"It's okay, Victor," Romeo whispers, his voice quivering with emotion. "Let it out. We're here for you."

Antonio places a hand on my shoulder, his touch grounding me in the midst of my anguish. "We all loved her, Victor. We all feel the pain. You're not alone in this."

I promised to keep her safe, And now she's gone. Isabella, I'm so sorry. I should have done more. I should have been better for you. time seemed to stand still for it was my choices that led us here. As I continue to sob, Arms wrap around me.

Antonio sighs "We all loved her, Victor. We all feel the pain. You're not alone in this."

"Child. The earth has embraced her and we can't change anything anymore. Together, we will find a way to carry on, to honour Isabella's memory, because we are family and family transcends even the deepest of sorrows. trust me son" Grandpa said kneeling next to me.

Legati dal sangue, legati dall'amore ma separati dalla morte.

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