Chapter 55

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Ah! Finally, I was waiting for months to write this chapter. the end is so.. entertaining.

Victor's POV:

 What I feel right now is indescribable. I am dying. I freak out at the mere thought of losing my brothers or anyone else in the family. I love it when she calls me her elder brother- she hardly does but now she never might. Standing here in the hospital corridor, I can't shake this overwhelming fear. It's like I'm slowly fading away, suffocating under the weight of my worries. My brothers mean everything to me. They're my life. The idea of them not being here terrifies me to my core. but Isabella, my only sister, holds a special place in my heart probably because she spent so many years away from us and suffered so much, she doesn't deserve this none of my siblings do.

my hands I need to.. I need to.. wash these they.. they are covered in blood I can't..I can't think straight. The panic is taking over. I stumble towards the nearest restroom, desperate for some relief. The water, as it flows over my trembling hands, feels soothing. I try to wash away the stains, both on my hands and in my mind. But the guilt and fear remain, "Breathe. just breathe"It was as if someone had grabbed me by the neck and was choking me. I lost all oxygen in an instant, I could feel my body beginning to tremble as I grip the edges of the sink, my knuckles turning white. The reflection in the mirror shows a face filled with worry." breathe, breathe, just breathe. fucking damn it."

"Come on, calm down," I whisper to myself, hoping to find some control. "You've faced tough times before. You can get through this."

The sound of running water fills the small space, providing a soothing backdrop to my racing thoughts. I turn the faucet on, splashing the cold water over my face. The sensation is jarring, but it helps ground me, bringing me back to the present moment. my whole body was fucking shaking

I close my eyes, trying to find a sense of inner peace. But the fear, the worry, they refuse to let go. They whisper incessantly, painting vivid scenes of worst-case scenarios in my mind. it was too much; I didn't know how much longer I could cope

You can't protect them forever, "No matter how hard you try, you can't control everything.I can't let myself drown in these thoughts. I need to be strong. For them.

"I will protect them," I say, my voice stronger now. "I will be there for them, no matter what. I won't let fear control me."I turn off the faucet and unlock the restroom door. As I step back into the hospital corridor, I see my brothers- my younger brothers in tears, some were angry and worst some were just numb. If this is the situation now if she dies..It hurt seeing them like that. They were my responsibility- mine and I failed, completely. Uncle Leander approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder, his voice filled with compassion.

"Victor, we don't have control over what has happened," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "We must focus on supporting Isabella now. Blaming ourselves won't change the situation."I didn't get to reply as I turned my attention to my youngest brother.

Gio's anxiety had reached its peak, his breathing erratic as panic consumed him. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and he clutched his chest, collapsing to his knees."Gio, breathe. You need to calm down," Leo said, his voice filled with concern. "Isabella needs us to stay strong."Gio's breaths were coming in rapid gasps. Leo and Niccolo were doing their best to soothe him but I couldn't, I just couldn't fucking move.

"I can't lose her," Gio choked out between sobs. "She's everything to me."

"Gio, breathe, brother. You're going to be okay." This can't be happening. oh god.

Niccolo, knelt beside Gio. "Deep breaths, Gio. Inhale slowly, and exhale. We're right here with you," Niccolo whispered, his hand resting gently on Gio's back.

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