Chapter 47

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Short chapter. Enjoy a lot of heartbreaking scenes and revelations are coming..💔💔

Victor's POV:

I rushed to the third floor of the hospital, my heart pounding in fear. As I entered the room, I saw my brothers— Gio, Enzo, and Armando, each with their hands and shirts stained with blood. Panic surged within me, but I tried to hold it back, as I embraced them tightly, a mixture of relief and worry washing over me. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions as they told me all the events of the evening. how could I be so careless to not take the damn phone?

Gio, clenched my shoulder as he spoke, his voice trembling with anger and frustration. "Victor, they came out of nowhere, and we... we couldn't protect her."

Enzo, usually the calm and composed one, had tears in his eyes as he continued. "They... they shot her, Victor. Isabella got hit."

Armando, the youngest and most sensitive among us, looked up at me with a plea in his eyes. "We tried, Victor. We tried to keep her safe."

I could feel my own anger and fear simmering beneath the surface, but I had to be strong for them. 

I squeezed their shoulders, my voice a mix of reassurance and determination. "We'll get through this. Tell me everything about the attackers."

After they finished, I paced the sterile hospital corridor, my jaw clenched so tightly it hurt. The sterile smell of antiseptic seemed to mock me as I grappled with my emotions.

Leo was sitting on one of the uncomfortable chairs, his face a storm of anger and concern. Maximo stood by the window, his fists clenched in barely contained rage Eno was sitting on a nearby bench, his head in his hands and tears slipping from his eyes.

I couldn't shake the fury that coursed through my veins. The audacity of those attackers, and the threat they posed to my family, left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Leo's voice was tense as he broke the silence. "We need to find out who's behind this."

Maximo's fingers flexed, the urge for vengeance evident in his voice. "I want to hunt them down."

Eno's face was a mix of anger and despair. "I can't believe this happened."

My fists clenched, his voice a low growl. "They won't get away with this."

Leo's voice was a soothing presence amidst the turmoil. "Victor, we'll get to the bottom of this. "

Maximo's anger was a simmering undercurrent. "We can't let them think they can attack us and get away with it."

Eno's voice was tinged with desperation. "I just want her to be safe."


"She lied to us, Victor," he said, his voice edged with frustration. "She knew how to use those guns."

Armando, chimed in, his anger palpable. "And she's not just trained, Victor. She's a damn expert."

my mind was whirring with questions. Isabella hid her true capabilities from us. why? Leo's gaze met mine, and I saw a flicker of understanding in his eyes. We were on the same page, both aware of the complexities of the situation.

gio offered a reassuring smile. "She's still our sister, Victor. We'll protect her, no matter what."

Enzo's eyes brightened with hope as I reassured him. I mussed his hair affectionately, trying to offer some solace. "We're a family, Eno. We'll protect each other, no matter the odds."

Leo's voice was pensive as he delved into the topic of Isabella's fighting skills. "Victor, did you know about her training? She's not just skilled; she's a true expert. they're not just impressive; they're on a whole different level."

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