chapter 24

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ok we are going to have a very emotional chapter just wait. 

this a long chapter so be prepared.

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Isabella's POV:

I'm trapped; I have to spend the entire day with Victor. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

It's a good thing that all of the wounds that my bitch mother caused have healed over the years because otherwise, I would have had serious issues.

I've finished getting ready, though. I need to let Victor know that I'm meeting Louis and going to a made-up funeral.

I interrupt Victor's work by saying, "Victor, I'm going to meet with Louis after the funeral. You don't need to wait."

He raises his eyebrows and says, "Are you asking permission?"


"Well, Sorella, do you need me to go with you?"

I respond "No need" and walk away.

I was so engrossed in my life that I lost sight of the fact that I was a gang boss. I neglected the fact that I was responsible for the hundreds of men and women in my gang. I was too preoccupied with my personal affairs to remember anything about my mafia obligations. Thank God I had a second in command like Sandy, someone I could put my life in her hands.

Louis pulls me out of my thoughts by adding, "We have reached."

Louis seemed to have taken every safety step as a waiter escorted us to a private room we entered.

When Louis, my second in command, and Louis's men are seen, the soldiers rise up and bend their heads slightly in esteem.

"signora, il capo"

"sedere ( sit down)" I say with a nod.

His guys are seated at tables encircling me, Louis, and Sandy as we take our seats.

After we had all taken our seats, a waiter enters, takes my and Louis's orders, and then departs.

"perché eri così preoccupato, mi hai chiamato così tante volte dopo il nostro arrivo in Italia." Louis asked sandy in a low voice.( why were you so worried, you called me so many times after we arrived in Italy.)

"capo ero preoccupato visto che non hai partecipato a nessuna riunione mafiosa. c'è qualcosa di sbagliato?"(boss I was worried since you haven't attended any mafia meetings. there is something wrong?)

"niente è sbagliato. hai detto che c'erano dei problemi nei conti li hai risolti?" (nothing is wrong, you said there were some problems in the accounts did you solve them?) I ask nervously.

"sono stati risolti belli. ma i tuoi uomini stanno diventando inquieti perché non sei più presente a guidarli."( they were fixed bella . but your men are getting restless because you are no longer there to lead them.) says Louis worriedly.

"so che mi dispiace. ero troppo preso dalla mia vita louis. improvvisamente ho scoperto di avere dei fratelli, ad alcuni di loro piacevo mentre 2 dei miei stessi fratelli mi odiano per non so quale motivo. poi ho scoperto che guidano la mafia italiana. Ero troppo preoccupato per la mia vita che ho dimenticato che devo prendermi cura dei miei uomini e delle loro famiglie. Ero troppo impegnato a sperare di ricevere un po' d'amore dalla mia famiglia biologica."(i know i'm sorry. i was too busy with my life louis. I suddenly found out I have brothers, some of them liked me while 2 of my own brothers hate me for whatever reason. then I found out that they lead the Italian mafia. I was too worried about my life that I forgot that I have to take care of my men and their families. I was too busy hoping for some love from my biological family.) I say almost in tears.

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