Chapter 35

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Finally, Isabella is going to meet the rest of her family.

 I can't wait until we reach the climax. Which is not that far away..❤️❤️


Isabella's POV:

Shocked, furious, angry...These were only a few of the emotions I was feeling at the moment.  There was no way that I won't punish Sandy and the other two for their actions. They decided without consulting me and didn't bother to inform me that my youngest cousin was being threatened. What the hell was happening? It was time I stopped giving so much freedom to Sandy.  I needed to visit the base here. I take out my phone to message Sandy that I will be visiting the base soon. A moment later there was a knock on my door. Really

" come in"

surprisingly it was Leonardo. what the hell was he here for? Oh, fuck the rest of my family has arrived. 

" um... Bella our cousins and grandparents are downstairs waiting for you," he said nervously. sheesh, why so nervous I am not going to murder you, yet.

I silently get up and follow him downstairs. this is no problem you are just meeting the rest of the family. so many people the living room was truly full. Victor was waiting for us. I silently approached him. everyone looks at me as I enter the room and approach Vicor. the room was so quiet you could hear the sound of a pin dropping. Some people were looking at me with happiness while others with tears in their eyes. I wanted to turn invisible.

"This is..." Victor's authoritative sentence was cut short when two crying ladies hugged me. I mean squeezed the life out of me. As soon as  I recovered from the shock I hugged them back awkwardly. 

" you are so beautiful. You look just like your mom dear" I stiffen as soon as I hear her words. I had the misfortune to carry most of her genes.

"calm down love you are going to scare her really" A man said laughing.

" oh shut up, I am having a moment over here." The two of them said wiping their tears. 

"I am your youngest aunt Sofia and she is Luna" They introduced themselves. 

I only nod and give them a slight smile.

"come I will introduce you to everyone else" Victor said calmly.

"This is Uncle Lorenzo and Aunt Sophia, you met them when you were very young,"  he said pointing to a young-looking couple. they all looked like models.

" nice to meet you dear," They said smiling widely at me while Aunty Sophia winked at me. 

I smiled and greeted them back.

these donkeys are your cousins and my sons" Uncle Lorenzo said pointing to 4 young boys.

"Dad, we aren't donkeys," said a man with hair just like Uncle Lorenzo.

"we will be the judge of that son and why are you just standing? introduce yourselves now " I fell in love with my aunts.

" I am Niccolo and am a lawyer," He said with the same emotionless face as Victor.

" Dante," said brother just extended his hands for a shake which I accepted.

"Enzo and this is my stupid twin Armando," Said another boy while pointing to his twin. they looked alike but not too much, you could easily differentiate them not like Maximo and Romeo. 

"Welcome home my little.. very little sister," said Armando pulling my cheeks in happiness, while everyone else was laughing.

" thanks" I smiled.

The Mafia SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon