Chapter 52

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Victors pov:

I found myself in the midst of all the violence. I was standing there seeing bloodshed occur everywhere. I had failed today-first and foremost as an older brother, but also as a don. I placed my siblings at risk, Isabella most of all. This was my doing, my vendetta, and I found myself questioning the choices that led us to this point. The violence I had sworn to protect them from now threatened to consume them.

Gunfire erupted, a chaotic symphony reverberating through the dimly lit halls. The vast halls reverberated with the unmistakable sounds of gunshots and clashing, giving a clear impression of the enmity outdoors. The air reeked of gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood as we clashed with Ivan's men.

Antonio and I were gathered together during a brief moment in the chaos, contemplating the dire circumstances. "Ivan appears well-prepared," Antonio commented, surveying the battlefield. "We can't underestimate him."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "We planned for this. The snipers and Gio's smoke bombs give us the upper hand. We need to stick to the plan." My words were broken by a man attacking us and we resumed the fighting.

"Victor!" Daniel's voice cut through the noise as he battled fiercely, his movements precise and calculated. His eyes met mine, a silent acknowledgement of our next action- find Ivan Pavlov.

Amidst the chaotic clash of bodies and weapons, a hostile figure lunged at me with a gleaming knife. I swiftly sidestepped, my instincts guiding me, and with a deft motion, disarmed my assailant. The glint of desperation in his eyes met mine.

"Why are you doing this?" he spat, fear evident in his voice.

I didn't waste words. "You chose the wrong side."

As he crumpled to the ground, I surveyed the ongoing skirmish. Antonio was having a heated fight with one of his opponents when our eyes met for a moment. Leo was trying to take down two men at the same time. niccolo was busy pushing a knife into someone and Daniel- he was killing numerous people at the same time. god knows where uncle leander and the others were.

A second opponent came charging in with a knife. Our gazes met, and I used my forearm to deflect his swing and delivered a clean blow to his midsection in retaliation. "This won't end well for you," he said as he passed out and rolled over.

I looked down to see him. "Maybe not for you either." Daniel came to join me in the middle of the mayhem. His well-aimed blows proved deadly, and between us, we drove back a wave of attackers.

Daniel's gaze met mine, a silent acknowledgement of the grim task at hand. "Victor, we need to keep moving. Ivan won't back down easily."

I nodded, scanning the shadows for the next threat. "We press forward. Let them know that we don't retreat."

A man emerged, gun in hand, but my response was swift - a bullet finding its mark. No time for negotiation, only the language of survival, no words exchanged, just the brutality of survival.

"Weapons ready, Antonio. We're not done here," I urged, our steps synchronized amid the relentless onslaught.

As we advanced, Antonio spoke above the gunfire. "Victor, Ivan's men are coordinated. This feels like a setup."

"They anticipated our move," I admitted a grim realization settling in. "But we have our advantages. Keep an eye out for their tactics."

Amid the gunfire, Niccolo's voice cut through. "Snipers are in position. Gio's diversion is holding. We can turn this around."

"We need to regroup with the others," Antonio shouted, gunfire punctuating his urgency.

"Agreed. Let's push forward," I replied, determination in my voice as we forged ahead, leaving the hall littered with fallen enemies.

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