Chapter 38

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Only 1 day for my classes to start. Don't expect any updates from me for some time. I am going to vanish for weeks. I apologise in advance.

Isabella's POV: ( 4 days later)

It had been nearly a week since my cousins had arrived and everything had been going smoothly. After that bastard died all the affairs were going on like usual. My relationship with my brothers was improving. I had spent the prior four days with my family.

 I went to watch horror movies with Gio and Maximo. Gio ended up falling dozing off on Maximo's shoulder who was so terrified that it was better to watch him than the movie itself. 

Since my uncles had to choose some suits to wear they took me along since they required some fashion guidance. Their suits all looked identical. I simply couldn't distinguish between them. They were all branded and it was just 2 colours. It was so monotonous that I dozed off midway and was awakened by a very cross Uncle Lorenzo. 

The other day I had to spend the entire day with Leo and Dante who revealed to me their fighting skills. It took some difficulty but I won against Dante and Leo was quite effortless probably because he had gone easy on me. Poor Dante the boy got an exclusive lecture from my oldest brothers about spraining my wrist. he seemed honestly remorseful. Whether it was because of the scolding, I will never know. 

Yesterday I went shopping with both my aunts and almost collapsed. the amount of dresses I wore yesterday is smaller than what I wore in my entire life.

so today I the great assassin Black Rose was really glad to return to school where I could meet Noah and his sister and her friends.

 I was pulled out of my thoughts by the slamming of a hand on the table causing me to flinch. I didn't mean to flinch it just happened naturally and Edward started wailing."I am so sorry both of you" Victor hurriedly apologised for his actions. It seemed the individual on call had said something that had caused him to be furious. he instantly leaves the room after repeatedly apologising to me and Ed.

"Son calm down" Uncle leander immediately tried to calm his weeping son.

 Uncle Lorenzo intervened by picking up a crying ed from his brother's hands and bouncing him on his legs. all my eldest brothers got up and left the room, probably to check on Victor. All my aunts also follow them leaving only my frowning grandparents and younger brothers and of course, my uncle both of who wanted to go and prevent what was happening there since we could still hear victors faint voice which seemed like he was going to murder someone before the sound of a crash-filled the home. 

"Bella can you?" Grandpa didn't need to finish the sentence before I picked Max up from Uncle. Everyone save Gio left and Edward had calmed down. he was not crying anymore but he was not happy. he just put his hands around my neck and tilted his head on my chest and held me tight. why did they yell so much. another crash filled the house followed by the slamming of a door. I exchange looks with Gio who was looking between me and Ed who was terrified.

"Ed, our bros are just angry," he said softly.

 "Not at you," I said sensing the question.

" at someone else," he said wiping away Edward's tears and picking him up and heading to the garden where we could not hear anything. It was absolutely silent and Ed was engaged in playing games on my phone which I gave him.

" what happened? I have never seen Victor in so much rage ever in my 2 months here" I asked as soon as Ed was engrossed in his game.

" seems like something major happened. Vic never gets furious like that. He is the most placid of us all. Hardly reveals any sentiment but is like a spy." He said without shifting his eyes from Ed.

 I look at Ed and keep my hand on his head. I slowly pat his head in adoration." the poor boy was frightened."

"What about you? We all saw you flinch." He said moving his eyes from Ed to look into mine. He has incredibly beautiful eyes like Grandpa. handsome green eyes stared at me trying to read my emotions. Fucking mafia training.

" I was shocked. I didn't expect that from Victor or you" I flashed him a tiny smile.  he slightly cocked his head and smiled.

" You are not telling us anything about yourself, are you? What a mysterious sister I got?" he said dramatically. he changed colours faster than a chameleon. One moment he was psychoanalysing me the next he was joking.

 I just smiled but like him, my smile was fake and didn't reach my eyes and I have no doubt that he understood it for he got up and went inside along with Ed as there was no shouting anymore. 

Louis was right, I don't repent for giving all of them a chance.

Little did I know that I would soon repent it and it would become one of the biggest mistakes of my life.




Victor's POV:

 I didn't want to alarm Bella and Edward I just got so enraged at listening to the man's threat. When I locate that man I will make him beg for death.

I struggled to keep my composure as I listened to the threatening call from Ivanov's right-hand man, Sergey. The Russians were our rivals, and their calls were never good news. I didn't want to worry Bella and Edward, but the anger inside me was boiling over. If I ever found that man, he would beg for death.

"What happened, Vic?" Antonio demanded, his voice urgent. The rest of my family was there, except for my youngest sibling, and they all looked at me with disappointment. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my anger as I explained the situation to them.

"Ivanov's man called to warn me that one of my younger brothers might get shot unexpectedly. He reminded me of what happened two years ago," I said, my voice shaking with emotion.

My uncles scoffed and my aunts shook their heads in disapproval, while my grandparents tried to maintain their composure. Niccolo frowned and approached me for a hug. Dante, always practical, immediately began calling people to trace the call.

Antonio, my closest brother, was frantic with worry. He punched the wall twice in anger before Daniel stepped in to stop him from hurting himself. Daniel, my older brother by three years, cupped his hand behind Antonio's head and pulled him close to comfort him.

I turned to look at the twins, Enzo and Armando, who had been abducted and tortured by the Russian mafia four years ago. They never spoke about what happened, but we knew they were significantly injured and suffered from nightmares for years after. Leo and I exchanged a worried look as we saw the pain in their eyes.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and we all turned to see Maximo, our hotheaded cousin, breaking a vase in his anger. His hand was bleeding, but he stormed out of the room before anyone could stop him.

Daniel's dangerous aura was increasing, and I could feel the tension in the room rising. He instructed me to contact the men of the  blood gang for information, and I knew that things were about to get worse before they got better.

Uncle Leander approached the twins and asked if they were okay, and I hugged them tightly as they seemed to struggle with their emotions. Grandma and my aunts joined in, all of us knowing how much they had suffered.

"We need to check on Ed, Bella, and Gio," Armando said, tugging his twin brother along with him. Daniel sighed and looked at me and Antonio, who had regained his composure.

"They will regret this," Uncle Lorenzo swore, and I knew that there was no turning back now.

"We need information and who better than men of the blood gang? they are famous for their manpower and information. tell Salvestro to get them" Daniel instructed me. Whenever Daniel got fierce something extremely wrong ensues.


Short chap. I know but I am helpless. I will try my best to upload it as soon as possible If I don't die due to the assignments I will have to finish them when school starts tomorrow.

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