Chapter 50

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Isabella's POV:

I woke up with a start, memories of what had happened the night before consuming me like a terrible dream. the sounds of gunfire, Edward's frantic shouts, and the attackers in masks all slammed against the walls of my thoughts. The sharp glare of the lingering discomfort was all that the morning sun provided through the window.

With a racing heart, I scrambled out of bed. My hands trembled slightly as I pulled my hair into a hasty ponytail, urgency propelling my every move. I needed answers, reassurance that Edward was safe, that the nightmare was over. This all happened because Ivan wanted to get back at me. my youngest brother was in danger just because of me. 

The doorway to the heart of our family's discussions was Victor's office. As I swung it open, the room hit me—quiet and concern etched on my family's faces. Before I could say anything, Victor got up from his chair and gave me a solid hug. He said, "We've been worried sick," in a tone that was both relieved and anxious. The embrace was a silent acknowledgement that we were all terrified of the same thing.

I quickly scanned the room, noting the anxiety on everyone's features. Uncle, Daniel, Grandpa, Leo—all of the family members bore wounds from the night before. Unanswered questions splintered the air.

Salvestro, with a grave expression, entered the room holding a small object – a Pendrive. "We found this outside the house," he explained, his voice edged with a sense of urgency. "It might have something to do with what happened."

As the pendrive exchanged hands, the room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the hum of technology. The collective gaze of my family shifted to the screen, where the contents of the mysterious drive unfolded, holding the promise of answers and perhaps more questions.

The room darkened as Salvestro clicked play, and the screen flickered to life, revealing the ominous message from Ivan Pavlov. The video was a haunting display of cruelty, a calculated move to instil fear in our hearts.

On the screen, Edward was slumped and asleep in a chair as he sat in a poorly lighted room. Beside him, Ivan Pavlov stood with a pistol to Edward's temple, his expression contorted with hate. Ivan's words oozed a poisonous mix of threat and arrogance, and his menacing smile sent shivers down my spine.

"Isabella," he said, his eyes fixed on the camera, "did you think you could get away with what your family did? If you don't come to my house alone, your younger brother will suffer the consequences.

Ivan laughed, and the room seemed to shut in on me, every dark laugh resonating like a dark symphony. Edward's unconscious figure was shown on screen, serving as a sobering reminder of human frailty.

"If you try anything funny, or if you bring anyone else, well, you won't like the consequences," Ivan said, his voice a deep growl that reverberated with a threat of hideous damage. "You have two hours. Tick-tock, Isabella. The clock is ticking, and your brother's life is in your hands."The video ended abruptly, leaving a chilling silence in its wake.

Victor's jaw clenched, his fists tightened in a silent display of restrained fury. Daniel's face, usually stoic, betrayed a mix of anger and concern. 

Victor said, his voice laced with resolve, "We have to go," but the hopelessness in his eyes betrayed the conflict inside.

Daniel murmured, staring at the blank screen, "This is a nightmare. I ought to have anticipated it."

I blurted out, "No, Daniel," my voice shaking from remorse and dread. "I ought to have been more watchful. I'm to blame. I relaxed, and Edward has since caught me."

My emotions were raging, and Victor's reassuring hand on my shoulder gave me a brief sense of stability. "We are all accountable. not you, though. Since you are the youngest, it is our duty rather than yours.

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