Chapter 54

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So dangerously close to the end of this book. My last update in the year 2023. Or maybe I will post one just before the new year. can you believe it, the year is going to end in two days.

Sandy's POV:

These bastards had a  house near the docks in case anything went wrong. boss is going to kill them soon. 

As we split up, my heart pounded in my chest, the weight of the mission heavy on my shoulders. I knew that capturing Ivan, Adrian, and Sergey was crucial, but little did I anticipate the shocking turn of events that awaited us.

Scanning the area, my eyes darted from one hiding spot to another, searching for any sign of our targets. The tension in the air was palpable as we navigated the deserted alleyways.

I whispered to the team, my voice filled with urgency, "Keep your eyes peeled, everyone. We need to find them quickly."

With bated breath, I continued my search, hope and anxiety wrestling within me. And then, Sylvie's voice broke through the silence, her tone barely above a whisper.

"I've got eyes on Adrian! He's over there, by the abandoned warehouse."

A surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I turned my gaze towards the indicated location. Adrian, one of our targets, was within reach. But there was still more to be done.

Kathy, known for her resourcefulness, chimed in, providing valuable information.

"Sergey is behind those crates. We can't let them escape!"

Her words fueled my determination. Sergey, another key player, was close by. We were getting closer to achieving our goal.

Albert clashed with Adrian in a furious exchange of blows, each strike reverberating through the halls.

"Take this, Adrian!" Albert grunted, determination etched on his face.

Adrian, smirking in response, parried the blows effortlessly. "You think you can defeat me?"

Noah engaged in a relentless struggle with Sergey, their movements a blur of strikes and dodges. "You're not as tough as you think, Sergey!" Noah taunted, trying to get under Sergey's skin.

"You'll regret those words!" Sergey growled, retaliating with fierce determination.

Amidst the chaos, Kathy swiftly manoeuvred through the bloodshed, her daggers finding their mark with deadly precision. "Blink, and you miss," she smirked, revelling in her agile attacks.

But there was still one missing piece in the puzzle. Ivan, the mastermind behind it all, remained elusive. The thought of facing him sent shivers down my spine, but I couldn't let fear consume me. We had a job to do.

As we continued our search, I strained my senses, my eyes scanning every nook and cranny. And then, a chilling realization struck me. Ivan was nowhere to be found. He must be hiding, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

But just as uncertainty threatened to overwhelm me, a glimmer of opportunity emerged in the chaos. A commotion erupted nearby, drawing my attention. The sound of fists colliding filled the air.

Instinct guided me towards the source of the disturbance. Pushing through the crowd, I saw Ivan engaged in a fierce fight with another member of our gang. Without hesitation, I joined the fight, determination fueling every blow.

As the battle raged on, Ivan's resistance began to wane. With one final strike, I managed to disarm him, pinning him to the ground. Victory was within our grasp.

 "It ends here, Ivan," I declared with grim determination. everything stopped as I placed my gun on his forehead- all his men kneeled and surrendered. Oh well.

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