Chapter 51

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I am soooo sick. I am going to break everyone's heart soon with a death. A long chapter. I can't believe I have almost reached the end of my book. just a few more chapters. I am going to miss this family, especially Victor. 

Isabella's POV:

I hugged each of my brothers, silently acknowledging the dangers that lay ahead, and the words of warning they had said to me stayed in my thoughts. Their anxiety weighed heavily on my shoulders; it was a blend of love and worry that strengthened my resolve.

As I approached the foreboding door leading to Ivan Pavlov's mansion, memories of past torment surfaced. 

"Isabella," he drawled, his voice laced with malice, "what a delightful surprise. You look stunning tonight." His eyes gleamed with an unsettling mix of admiration and deceit.

"Enough theatrics, Ivan. We're not here for pleasantries," I retorted, my gaze unwavering.

He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Sit, my dear. We have much to discuss." Reluctantly, I took a seat, the coldness of the chair mirroring the tension in the room.

Ivan poured wine into crystal glasses, the deep red liquid a harbinger of the ominous dance ahead. "To cooperation," he proposed, raising his glass.

"To get what we want," I replied, clinking my glass against his, my eyes fixed on him.

As the bitter wine touched my lips, Ivan leaned in, his voice a venomous whisper. "You know, Isabella, I never desired this bloodshed. Our families could have been allies."

I scoffed, bitterness seeping into my words. "Allies? After what you did to us? There's no turning back."

Leaning back, Ivan's smile widened. "Circumstances change. Fabio's demise was an unfortunate consequence. But you, my dear, you're a valuable asset now." I always liked wine but his tasted just like him bitter and disgusting.

I clenched my fists, the anger simmering beneath the surface. "I'll never be your asset. I'm here for one thing – my brother."

Ivan's smile twisted into something more sinister. "Ah, young Edward. A cute lad, isn't he? Such a shame he got caught up in our affairs."

My eyes narrowed. "Enough games, Ivan. What's your demand?"

He leaned forward, locking eyes with me. "Join me, Isabella. Embrace the assassin you were trained to be. Together, we can reshape the mafia, make it thrive."

I fought the urge to lash out. "I'd sooner die."

"You were nothing more than a tool, Isabella. A weapon to be wielded," Ivan sneered, his eyes devoid of remorse.

I scoffed, the bitterness in my voice cutting through the air. "You tortured me, used me. But I'm not your pawn anymore."

He leaned back, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Fabio's death was necessary, as was the attempt on Louis. The chess pieces had to be moved."

My fists clenched at the mention of Fabio, a fatherly figure whose memory still ignited a flame of rage within me. "You killed him, and now you want me to join you? You're delusional."

Ivan's eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction. "Joining me is the only way to avenge Fabio. The world is a chessboard, Isabella, and you must learn to play."

A surge of hatred coursed through me. "You murdered my father and tortured Louis. There's no alliance between us."

The room darkened as Ivan's gaze bore into mine. "Your father was weak. I did what needed to be done. Fabio stood in the way of progress."

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