Chapter 48

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I am telling you all I hate maths. I am dying for the upcoming exams🥺🥺don't expect to see me anytime soon.

But finally the truth--

Isabella's POV:

I stirred in my hospital bed, my eyes slowly fluttering open. The soft hum of medical equipment and the faint glow of monitors greeted me as I gradually became aware of my surroundings. A sterile, antiseptic scent filled the room, mingling with the sweet aroma of flowers that had been brought by my brothers, who were now gathered around me.

Gio's face lit up with relief as he gently grasped my hand, his rough fingers providing a comforting anchor. "Hey, you're awake."

I blinked a few times, my vision adjusting to the soft hospital lighting. The concern in my brothers' eyes was palpable, and I managed a weak but genuine smile. "Hey, guys."

Maximo's expression softened as he adjusted the bouquet of flowers on my bedside table. "How are you feeling?"

Victor watched me closely, his emotions hidden behind his usual stoicism. His voice was soft, a rare hint of vulnerability slipping through. "Do you need anything?"

I managed a small smile, their presence a soothing balm to the lingering ache in my arm. "I'm okay, just a bit sore."

Enzo nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting the mixture of relief and worry that seemed to permeate the room. "We need to talk, but not now. Your recovery is what's most important."

My brothers were my pillars of strength, always concerned about my well-being. However, there was a conversation that loomed ahead, one I couldn't postpone any longer.

"But..." I began, my voice a hesitant murmur.

"Not now, mi amore," Victor's eyes locked onto mine, understanding and determination shining in their depths.




The next day, I was discharged from the hospital, and a wave of mixed emotions flooded over me as I returned home. The house seemed different as if the walls held the secrets of my family's worry during my absence.

Uncle Leander, Daniel, and Grandpa were waiting for me in the living room. Their expressions ranged from relief to concern, and it was evident that my ordeal had taken a toll on them.

Uncle Leander approached me first, enveloping me in a warm hug. "Isabella, thank the heavens you're safe. We've all been so worried."

I returned the embrace, appreciating their unwavering support. "I'm okay, Uncle Leander, Grandpa."

Daniel sat nearby, a mixture of emotions playing across his face. His relief was evident, and his voice held genuine concern as he greeted me, "Isabella, I'm so glad you're okay."

My gaze met Daniel's, gratitude welling up within me. "Thank you, Daniel. I really am fine."

The weight of the unspoken conversation hung heavy in the room, and I knew it was time to reveal the truth about my past, as much as I could bear to share.

"We'll talk later," Daniel said cryptically, his eyes holding mine, hinting at the complexities of the discussion that awaited.

After lunch, I found myself in Victor's study, where he, Daniel, Uncle Leander, and Grandpa had gathered. The atmosphere was tense, brimming with unspoken questions and lingering concerns.

Victor's steady gaze never wavered as he spoke, his voice tinged with both understanding and anticipation. "Isabella, you've been through a lot. We want to understand."

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