Chapter 32

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 Hey guys! A person suggested that I should have Maximo beaten so I kind of accepted that idea. She will eventually forgive him though. ❤️

TW: there are severe mentions of violence that some may fight uncomfortable 

Isabella's POV:

 I was throwing punch after punch. By now the punchbag should have broken. Adrenaline coursed through my body as I jabbed the punching bag. Once, twice, then more. I couldn't believe how much Maximo's hurtful words had affected me. I had always known that he was a bit of a loose cannon, but I never thought he would say something like that to me.

my hands were burning as I hadn't wrapped them. I deserved the pain. My father died because of me. the words of my mother ran through my head, "You are worthless" "You can't do anything properly bitch" and "You are just a worthless girl". I blocked them out. It was eating me up inside. I punched the bag again and again. By now I was crying as well as sweating. 

How could I? 

why did I?

I am truly worthless. 

I bring misfortune to everyone.

I held the bag at each side and pressed my forehead against it and sobbed. I had not felt this guilty in a long time.

"I did not realise I hurt you this much"Maximo, who I realised was in the room spoke.

'I am sorry sister, it was not my intention to hurt you" he said stepping forward.

"Well, you did. Get lost" I scoffed. He was insufferable sometimes.

"I don't even know where to start. I-I am so sorry for what I said Bella" I turned my head slightly and looked at him. He seemed to be sincere but I couldn't I just couldn't.

"Whatever I said I didn't mean it. Over the years I have said many things to our brother that I greatly repent. I really didn't think about your feelings when I spoke. I am so sorry Bella" I could see in his piercing golden eyes how much he repented his word.

" what I said will eat me alive for a very long time Bella, all I can do now is apologize. you know I didn't truly mean it I just lost control. I am really sorry sister".He continued to apologize, telling me that he had said many things to our brother that he greatly regretted and that he hadn't thought about my feelings when he spoke. He begged for my forgiveness, and I could see in his eyes how much he truly meant it.

"you want me to forgive you. sure but you have to fight me brother are you willing?"

he was quiet as though he was not able to answer me. "if that is what you want sister fine whether I lose or win you have to forgive me" he said after a few moments of hesitation.


I came up behind them. I struck him like a battering ram with all my weight, I shoved him against the floor and he hit it with his face. I grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him violently. He grabbed me and pushed me away as if I were a thing. He had never treated me in such a way.

 It seemed as though he did not want to hurt me much. But I want to hurt him as much as I could. This was my chance my only chance.  I wanted to fight, to kill — I no longer cared if it killed me. 

so I staggered to my feet. My legs were shaking, but I leapt instantly. I kicked out high and hard, catching him squarely in the breastbone. He dropped. It took me by surprise I hadn't thought to put him on the ground with one kick. It didn't occur to me that he didn't take a fight like this seriously, that he wasn't prepared for a truly desperate blow.

He lay there, panting. I was warming up nicely. now was the perfect chance to hit him.

"go one sister," he said smiling even though in pain. 

I kneeled down and raised my hand and brought it down with force onto his face but at the last moment, I changed the direction of my fist and hit the floor instead. I couldn't. whatever he did he was still my elder brother. 

"ENOUGH!" it was Victor. He reached everywhere at the same time. he would have made a good spy. He had been watching us the whole time, and I knew he wasn't pleased with what he had seen.

I stand up and look at him challenging him to scold me. 

"what are you both doing?" he questions folding his hands and leaning on the wall.

"earning her forgiveness as you told" Maximo stood up and dusted off all the dust from his clothes and turned to me. 

"Why did you not hit me? he enquires. 

" It is forbidden to strike an opponent who lies helpless on the ground; only an animal would do that," I said before walking away from the room.

Little did I know the silence I left behind was the one before a storm.


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