Chapter 41

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Don't worry I won't abandon you all again. I started this book six months ago and a few days ago when I read all the chapters from the beginning I was so embarrassed that I edited everything again and added more information.


Romeo's POV:

I am sorry we couldn't...

daniel reacted to the doctor's words with anger and disbelief. He felt that the doctor was not giving him a straight answer or providing any hope for our brother's recovery. When the doctor said they did not know if our brother would wake up and what damage might have been done to his brain, Dante's frustration boiled over and grabbed the doctor by the collar.

"What do you mean?" Daniel's voice was filled with rage and fear. "You're not telling me anything! You're just giving me some vague answers! Tell me the truth, damn it!"

The doctor, clearly afraid, tried to explain the situation. "Sir, even though your brother is alive, we don't know what condition he will be in if he wakes up. There could be significant damage to his brain that we cannot predict. It's possible that he may never wake up at all. I'm sorry, sir, but I must be honest with you."

daniel's anger turned to despair as he realized the severity of our brother's condition. He felt helpless and overwhelmed by the situation. "My condolences?" he repeated, his voice cracking with emotion. "You're giving me condolences? What good does that do? I need my brother to wake up! I need him to be okay!"

The doctor, realizing the impact of his words, tried to comfort Daniel. "I understand how difficult this is for you, sir. We're doing everything we can to help your brother. We'll update you on his condition and do our best to support you and your family."

daniel, still shaken, released his grip on the doctor's collar and took a step back.

Dante turned to look at his family, who seemed to be in the same state of shock and hopelessness as he was. "What will we do now?" Uncle Lorenzo's voice was shaking with emotion.

Uncle Leander, forgetting his own misery for a moment, turned to comfort Victor, Antonio and he was the closest. "Son, he will be fine. Don't worry," he said, trying to reassure Victor.

But Victor was not comforted. He was gripping Daniel tightly, and his guilt was overwhelming him. "I should have listened to Niccolo when he said that something was wrong. All of this is because of me," he said, his voice choked with emotion. Daniel only needed to glance at us for him to decide to march out of the hospital carrying a gun

Grandpa approached Victor and placed his hands on his shoulder. "This isn't your fault, son. You couldn't have known," he said, trying to console him. Aunty supported Grandpa's words. 

"The Consigliere of the warned us, and we still didn't pay much heed," Victor said, acknowledging the warning they had ignored.

"It's all because of me" Victor still couldn't shake off his guilt.

Uncle Leander interrupted him firmly. "Son, listen to me. This is not your fault. And when Antonio wakes up, he will murder you for thinking like this" 

After Uncle Leander's encouraging words, Victor silently nodded, feeling slightly relieved of his guilt. He then turned to Isabella and hugged her tightly. Isabella hugged him back, realizing how much Victor was suffering.

"It's okay, Victor. We're all here for each other," Isabella whispered to him, trying to comfort him.

Armando's eyes filled with tears as he looked at the doctor with a pleading gaze. "Can we see him, doc?" he asked, his voice trembling with anxiety and fear. The doctor's expression softened as he looked at the distraught siblings. "Yes, you can see him as soon as he's out of the ICU," he said kindly. Relief washed over everyone's faces, and I let out a sigh of gratitude.

 "Grandpa, uncle, aunt, you all should go back home along with Isabella, even Max, Grandma, and Aunty," I spoke up, trying to keep my emotions in check. Dante supported me before they could refuse. "But son," Grandpa started objecting, but Enzo intervened. "I am not going," Isabella said firmly, her voice choked with emotion. Maximo intervened, reminding her about Edward and urging her to take care of herself.

"Grandpa, uncle, aunt, you all should go back home along with Isabella, even Max, Grandma, and Aunty," I spoke up, trying to keep my emotions in check. Dante supported me before they could refuse.

"But what about you guys?" Uncle Leander asked, his voice filled with concern.

"We'll stay here,"  Niccolo replied firmly. "We won't leave him alone."

"But you all need rest too," Uncle Lorenzo added. "You won't be able to help Antonio if you don't take care of yourselves."

 Enzo shook his head. "We'll rest when we know is stable," he said, determination clear in his voice.

I nodded in agreement, feeling the same sense of urgency and responsibility. "We need to be here for him," I said firmly.

The family members reluctantly left the room, leaving us alone with our unconscious brother. The machines beeping and whirring were the only sounds in the room, and it felt suffocatingly quiet.

Dante sat down on the chair next to Antonio's bed, his face etched with worry. I stood next to him, feeling helpless and scared. We had never felt so alone before. Victor leaned against the closed door hugging Giovanni who was slightly sobbing.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Dante whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Don't say that," I replied, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. "He will wake up. He has to wake up." Dante looked up at me, his eyes filled with tears. 

" he is right he can't die, not yet" Leonardo said firmly

I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "We'll deal with that if it happens," I said, my own voice shaking with emotion. "But right now, we have to believe that he will wake up and be okay."

Dante nodded, his eyes still filled with tears. "I just can't imagine life without him," he said, his voice breaking.

I felt the same way. Antonio was not just our brother, he was our best friend. The thought of losing him was unbearable.

"We won't lose him," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "He's strong, he's a fighter. He'll pull through."

Dante looked at me, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," he said softly.

We all sat in silence for a few minutes, lost in our thoughts and worries. The sound of the machines and our brother's shallow breaths were the only things keeping us company.

Suddenly, Victor spoke up. "We have to find out who did this to him," he said firmly.

We all looked at him, surprised. "What do you mean?"

"I mean we have to find out who hurt him like this," Dante said, his eyes flashing with anger. "We have to make them pay." 

" Daniel," I said silently. I knew that he wouldn't rest until he murdered the people who hurt our brother.

"We'll do whatever it takes," I said firmly, my voice filled with resolve.

Dante nodded, his eyes blazing with determination. "We'll make them pay," he said, his voice filled with anger and conviction.

" You know how surprised I was when Isabella didn't break down or whatever. I anticipated her to be a sobbing wreck, but instead, she sat as stiff as Uncle and Grandpa" Finally, Leo stated,

"I know right, I'm scared she's keeping something from us. However, we won't consider that until Antonio is feeling better" Victor sighed in worry. Maximo and Enzo just hugged him trying their best to comfort him.

We sat there in silence, our thoughts turning towards revenge and murder. The beeping of the machines and our brother's shallow breaths were the only sounds in the room.

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