Chapter 36

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I get it I keep vanishing but now, so I will give you a long chapter. It's time for bonding, people. ❤️❤️


Isabella's POV:

I tell you, everyone except for Edward was irritating me. Weren't we supposed to have dinner but we can have food if these people stop talking about me, which I don't think they will do.

"Isabella?" I turn to look toward the person who called me.

" What Dante?" I asked. he had the power to irritate everyone very easily.

" I have a few questions" I just nod my head to let him continue." who is your favourite brother?" why god? why do you hate me so much? Everyone in the room turned their head towards me to hear my answer.

" Edward," I said without a second thought. It was certainly that cute little boy.

"I knew it. give me the $100" Antonio said with a smile extending his hand toward Uncle Lorenzo, who gave him the note after grumbling.

" What  did you feel when you discovered you had 12 brothers?"

" she got a shock," said Victor laughing

"Vic you are laughing. do you have a fever or something?" Daniel frowned and all the others gazed worriedly at him.

" you should have seen her face then Dan," he said as soon as he stopped laughing.

" I wasn't happy at all," I said after everyone's comments on my feeling were finished. 

"Why dear?" Grandpa asked frowning. 

I am done for. God save me. 

" I really didn't want 12 brothers that too 11 of them older" I answered truthfully ignoring the look of hurt that flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Which brother troubled you most?" It seemed that Dante was going to get me killed. Was my answer not rude enough for him to stop?

"Maximo" Really these very very easy questions but dangerous.

" "Why dear? What did he do? I will teach him a lesson?" Uncle leander asked scowling.

" Grandma, are you sure you don't need help with the cooking?" I called to her." I think she needs help I will go right now to help her." I said jumping up and scurrying away from the room. The elders were busy laughing and my younger brothers shouted at me to come back and answer the question.

"What happened dear" Grandma turned to me as soon as I ran into the kitchen.

" Nothing... nothing Grandma" 

"do you want some help in cooking?" I was bored to death and I was a good cook. I might as well use this opportunity to get close to my aunts and grandma.

do you know how to dear?" aunt luna asked as soon as she turned around after washing the vegetable.

I just nod smiling.

 "then will you help us cut vegetables Luna is horrible at it?" Aunt Sofia says shaking her head.

I take the vegetable from aunt luna's hands and start chopping them. I preferred chopping off my enemy's body parts though. It was much more entertaining. As I was chopping the vegetables I was busy hearing the gossiping the woman of the family were doing.

"Bella what do you think about dating," Grandma asked while mixing the batter.

" boys are stupid" I stated truthfully.

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