35. Expectations vs Reality

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Travis Swanson-

I'd be damned if I went straight to bed.

And I knew she couldn't either.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I whispered, holding onto her in the complete black of my room.

"You." She responded.

"What about me?"

"I don't know." She hummed.

I hummed, just holding her, not knowing what to say.

"I love you." She mumbled.

I smiled.

"When will you tell me something back?" She asked.

I sighed, petting her soft hair from her face I couldn't even see but I had memorized.

"When I feel like I'm not gonna make you run." I felt her get up, she was now sitting up, my hand trying to find her.

"Why would I run?" She asked.

Why would she run?

I sat up too as I felt her move more, but she ended up straddling me.

And my hands were on her sides, over the hoodie she wore.

There was something erotic about this. And I had good intuition something might happen.

"Would you run?" I asked.

"No." Her arms were around my neck, her hands touching the back of my head.

"Why not?" I moved my hands down her waist, onto her bare thighs that were covered in goosebumps and satisfying fuzz.

"Because-I've never really loved someone like I love you." She whispered, my head falling forward and landing on her chest.

"Yeah? How do you feel about me? Describe what's happening in your heart." I moved my hands to her bare hips, appreciating the lack of fabric on her body.

"Butterflies. Anxiety. Infatuation. Obsessed. Aroused. Lucky. Floating. Ecstasy." She told me.

I hummed.

"Where do you see us going? Don't think about me or how I might feel. But where do we go from here? What do you want your life to look like?" I asked.

"You. You're in it all. Regardless of my career choices. Regardless of yours. I want to be your fiancée one day far from now, then maybe your wife. But I want each stage. I want to be your girlfriend for a good time before I'm your wife. And fiancée falls somewhere in between." She explained, her body trembling with nervousness.

"I'm scared of telling you how I feel because I'll never love another girl like I love you. I don't even think love justifies the absolute depth of my feelings. I don't want to say it because I don't want to throw it out loosely. I am deeply enamored by you if that word can even begin anything." I whispered, my hands moving up her bare sides under the hoodie.

She gasped as my thumbs moved over her nipples, distracting her.

She hummed, her hands going over mine but the fabric falling in between as I held her breasts in my hands.

I slowly moved the hoodie up, my mouth finding her boob, exploring the soft skin as she hummed.

My other hand moved down her body and to her pussy.

"Travis-" she gasped, a groan coming from her mouth as I bit her nipple ever so gently.

"Tell me you love me." I whispered, hastily rubbing her clit.

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