Chapter Fourteen: The Accident

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Another update, just for you guys...


It had been a few weeks since I had been imprisoned and broken out. At this point, I had basically moved into Sodo's room. Cirrus had gotten me a phone loaded with everyone's numbers and all of our songs, plus a few that she thought I would like. Aether had even taken the chance and had started teaching me to drive, not that I'd ever need to know, but he said it's not a bad thing to know.

I was laying in the common room on the couch, my head on Sodo's lap while he played with my hair. No one had their masks on since it was just us. I could hear Rain and Sunshine talking about who knows what. Cirrus was making a puzzle with Cumulus, and Swiss was playing around with the TV that Copia had gotten got us a week back. I looked up at Sodo and asked, "Did we ever find a new guitar tech?"

"I don't think so," Sodo said. I sighed and closed my eyes, "That'll be the third ritual I have without one. Why is it so hard to find one?"

Sodo sighed, "I don't know, baby. I don't know."

"Ember," I heard Aether say as he walked into the room. I sat up and said, "What's up?"

"Sister's asking for you. Told you to go alone," He told me. I cocked my head to one side quickly saying, "Yeah, that's not weird."

I stood up, grabbing my mask and putting it in, telling Sodo, "I'll be right back, okay?"

He just nodded. He knew that I could handle myself with Sister Imperator, he didn't feel the need to go and protect me. I left the room, going straight to her office, just walking in without knocking, "What do you want?"

"Excuse me?" Sister Imperator said, her eyes wide. I closed the door behind me, crossing my arms over my chest, "Sorry, I asked what do you want? You called for me."

"Ahh, yes," She said, standing up. She walked over and said, "Now, I'm sure Sodo has told you all about the book that I supposedly have."

"The one all about us?" I asked. She slowly nodded, "Yes, exactly. Now, I'm not sure where be got that information from, but I have no such book. However, I did take the liberty to look through his room while you were at a show and I found this."

She handed me a journal, motioning me to open it. It had information about all of us, except Sodo. I read the page about me, my eyebrows furrowed:

Ember is probably the most annoying out of everyone. Always has to be on top, always has to be better than everyone. I thought I was arrogant, but she's just over the top. Just figures that she's who I get paired up with forever.

Yeah, I may have marked her, but that was just so I wouldn't die. All I want is for her to just disappear. She may think she's making the band better, but all she's doing is making the stage too crowded. Why Copia thought this was a good idea is beyond me.

"Where did you find this?" I asked in a shakey voice. Sister just told me, "Darling, it was in Sodo's room. You can't tell me you never saw it in there."

I shook my head, closing the book. Was that really what Sodo thought about me? Did he really think me being here was a mistake?

"Keep that book, Ember. You can use it to talk to him. If you don't he might lie about it," Sister told me, "He does have an extensive history of lying."

I looked up at her, not sure if I should believe her. I asked, "Why are you trying to help me now?"

"Oh, just trying to make sure you know what kind of Ghoul Sodo is. I mean, you've both marked each other already. Maybe he was using it as a saving grace. If you're going to stay, might as well make sure you know who you're with," Sister told me. I sighed, walking out of her office, book in hand. As I walked down the hallway, I saw Sodo talking to a sister of Sin. I watched him for a while, noticing her touching his arm. I bit my lip nervously as I saw he didn't pull away. It was when she pulled down his mask and kissed him that I dropped the book, eyes wide. He quickly pulled away, noticing me, "Ember, wait!"

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