Chapter Sixty-One: New shows

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"Right, thank all of you for coming in so quickly, I apologize for the late meeting. Hopefully I didn't disturb any of your nights," Copia began as everyone sat in random places around the band room. Ember had picked up her guitar out of habit and was just messing around with it as everyone else listened to Copia.

"Alright, so here's what I was thinking. Sunshine won't be able to do too many more shows for us for a bit, so we need to figure something out for when her baby, er, I mean, kit is born. Rain will be out as well, so bassist and backing vocalist may be needed. As for our next show, I was hoping for maybe having one next week, yeah? New setlist. It's been a good long while since we've done any shows, and we did promise a tour as well. We will start put locally, at least until Sunshine is unable to continue performing. Then, we can branch out into farther areas, start the tour. That should give Rain and Sunshine some time alone with their new kit and give them time to adjust, yes?" Copia said.

Sodo held the remote to the plug inside of Ember discreetly in his hand, glancing over at his mate every now and then, smirking as he thought about when the right time would be to start messing with her. Aether then spoke up, "I say we put Sodo on bass again while Rain is out. He's covered for him before when Rain got shot, why not do it again."

"Yeah, and Ember knows the backing vocals. She can do them while playing guitar, kinda like Aether does," Swiss added. Copia nodded and thought for a moment, "but then we would be down a lead guitarist."

"We can bring Ifrit back again," Mountain offered, "He would need to learn the new songs, sure, and get a whole new outfit put together, get one of our masks made for him, but he already knows a good about of the songs."

"Yes, this is true," Copia said. Emver still hadn't stopped messing around on her guitar, but she was still listening. Sodo then took the small amount of silence to start sending small vibrations to the plug, making Ember gasp and hit a sour note on the guitar. Everyone looked at her, Sodo hiding a smirk on his face as Copia asked, "Did you have an idea, dear?"

"U-um," She started, throwing a glare at Sodo, "What if we add a cover into the set. And maybe during one of the songs all of us switch instruments."

"Interesting," Copia said, "It is not a bad idea. Only question is who plays what?"

"I'd say we do it on the last show with Sunshine and Rain. Last flourish before they leave for a bit, you know," Cumulus said, "It sounds like something they should have a chance to take part in at least."

"Yes, yes, I agree," Copia said. Ember moved uncomfortably in her seat, Sodo glancing at her as he turned up the vibrations, making her clench her thighs shut, her teeth grinding together as she tried not to make any sound. Oh, how she hated Sodo right now.

Rain noticed that Ember looked a little off, making him slowly walk over to her and quietly ask, "You okay?"

"Mmhmm," Ember nodded, not wanting to speak in case she accidentally moaned instead of actually speaking words. Rain looked at her confused before glancing at Sodo, who was still wearing a smirk. Rain then understood that something was going on between the that he would rather not involve himself in. He simply nodded and told her, "Yeah, good luck, Em."

With that, he walked back over to Sunshine, standing behind where she sat, rubbing her small bump. They all spoke about the tour for a while longer, Sodo making the vibrations faster every now and then, slowing them down when he noticed she was getting close to her release. Once they were done, Ember bolted out of the practice room, Sodo smiling with amusement before turning to Copia, "Could I talk to you for a moment?"

"Yes, of course," Copia said. Sodo waited until everyone cleared out of the room before starting to talk with Copia about a plan of his own.

Ember on the other hand, rushed into her and Sodo's shared room, closing the door behind her as she quickly tore her clothes off of herself, pulling the plug out if her and walking to the bathroom. She was feeling unbearably hot, and she just had to shower right now in hopes it would cool her down. Just as she got into the water, the bedroom door opened, a voice calling out, "Ember?"

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