Chapter Sixty: Chill Days

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Ember and Sodo were leaving their room, on their way to the common room to have a movie night mixed with a double date night with Aeris and Aether. Sodo was grumbling, "If you wanted a date night, we could've gone out. It's not a big deal."

"I'm trying to spend time with the others too, Sodo. Plus, it's a good time for you and Aeris to try and get along. Now stop complaining. They already said you can pick the movie," Ember told him. Sodo looked at her and asked, "What do you wanna watch?"

"You're picking the movie, not me. I'm not falling for that again," Ember said. Before, Sodo would always find a way to put on the movies she wanted to watch. Even if she said that he could pick the movie, he would manage to trick her into telling him what she wanted to watch. Of course, it had been a while, and Sodo needed to get back to his normal flirty self after being gone so long, with rehab and all. The war ruining things didn't help much either. Sodo simply sighed and said, "Fine, I hope you're okay with horror then."

"You know I don't mind horror. Aether may be different though," Ember said. Sodo chuckled, "He'll have to deal with it. Aeris doesn't mind them, does he?"

"Aeris would usually be the one to put them on when we hung out," Ember told him. Sodo nodded and said, "So he should be fine during a horror movie?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Ember told him. They soon walked into the newly rebuilt common room, seeing Aeris and Aether already sitting on the couch. Ember smiled a little, taking Sodos hand and pulling him towards the couch saying, "Hey guys, sorry we're late, Mr grumpy pants didn't want to get out of bed."

"Don't call me Mr, grumpy pants," Sodo complained. Ember just sat down on the couch telling him, "Go choose a movie then."

Sodo then pulled out a DVD, putting it into the player saying, "I don't want to hear any complaints, Aether."

As the movie started up, Sodo went to sit next to Ember, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as Aether said, "Why would I complai- Oh come on."

The beginning of The Conjuring started to play, making Aether groan. Aeris just let out a small giggle, "Oh, come on, big guy. It's just a movie."

Aeris' voice had started to get deeper, not having as many voice cracks as before. Aether looked over at his and said, "You know I hate horror movies."

"But the rest of us do. You can pick the next movie," Aeris told his mate. Aether grumbled in his seat, pulling Aeris closer to him. Throughout the movie, Aether let out small yelps at the jumpscares, making the other three laugh a little. Sodo muttered in Ember's ear, "I could care less about the movie, Aethers reactions are much better."

"Is that why you chose it? To get a reaction out of him?" Ember asked him quietly. Sodo nodded silently just as Aether let out another yelp. Sodo soon stood up, saying he was gonna go get popcorn. He walked around the couch, telling Ember quietly, "Watch this."

He walked farther away to make it seem like he was walking to their new little kitchen before taking off his boots and walking silently back, grabbing Aether's shoulders and letting out a scream, making Aether jump and scream loudly. Sodo just fell onto the floor laughing, making Ember giggle. Aeris even had an amused look in his eye as Aether grabbed the remote, taking the movie out and saying, "I'm done with this shit, my turn."

He put in a simple RomCom, sitting back against the couch as Sodo came back with popcorn. He offered some to everyone every now and then, soon hearing the snores of Aether. They all looked at him, just to see him dead asleep in his seat, his head leaned back against the backrest.

After a few minutes of Aether snoring, Aeris kicked him, making him jump awake, "Fuck, what was that for?"

"Get up, you're snoring and I can't hear the movie," Aeris told him as Ember and Sodo snickered in the corner of the couch as Aeris continued, "You chose the movie too, why'd you fall asleep?"

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