Chapter Sixty-Five: Shes gone!

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Throughout the weeks of the tour, everyone got very attached to Ifrit once more, Shadow and Lang were causing trouble in each city they went to, Ember and Sodo getting worse and worse on stage during Mummy Dust, Ember once having gone straight down his chest and just grasping the front of his pants. Yes, she was thoroughly punished that night, but the fans loved it.

Aeris had even started to make random little appearances on stage, playing some of the piano parts, Aether standing right in front of him the entire time, playing his guitar in front of him.

Mountain would get headaches more often, mainly when he talked shit about Imperator. He knew Swiss was starting to catch on. The worried look he would send his way when he would have to cut his and Lang's training sessions short because of the pounding headache.

Today was particularly bad for him. He couldn't move without the headache getting worse. Despite Swiss' complaints, he had sent Lang and Shadow to go be with Sodo and Ember for the day so he could take care of Mountain.

He walked into the dark hotel room saying, "I brought some tea."

"Swiss, please not so loud," Mountain complained quietly, holding his head. Swiss sighed and lowered his voice, "It's not any better?"

"No," Mountain groaned. Swiss sat on the bed saying, "Everything was going so well, why is Imperator acting up now?"

Mountain sighed and said, "She's getting more insistent on hurting Ember and Sodo. She's told me to hurt you 4 times in the past week. Aether once. Cumulus twice, Cirrus twice. Copia three times. Ifrit once. She even..."

He sighed cutting himself off as his head started to pound again from the headache. Imperator wasn't too happy with how open Mountain was being about her possession of him. Once the wave was over he said, "Make that five times for you."

"What were you saying before?" Swiss asked. Mountain told him, "She told me to hurt Lang and Shadow a few times too."

Swiss sighed and said, "We need to tell Lilith, Mounty. She probably knows how to help you. If Imperator is starting to threaten the lives of our kits, I think you should get more help than your already getting. For their safety."

"Fuck," Mountain cursed, "Yeah, you're right. Go tell her. Hopefully, she knows what to do."

Swiss nodded, pressing a kiss to Mountain's head, "I'll be back, okay?"

Mountain nodded as Swiss left the room. Sister Imperator then appeared in front of him once again, "You can't get rid of me."

"Just leave me alone already," Mountain groaned. She held a devilish smirk as she said, "I need those two gone, ghoul."

"Stop searching for vengeance. You won't get it with me," Mountain told her, rubbing his head. Sister simply laughed, "It is not vengeance I seek, ghoul. It is power. I will rise again."

"Look, you already know I won't do your bidding. You know I'm not gonna hurt my family. You're just being an annoying bitch at this point. Like a clingy ex-girlfriend. No one liked you to begin with, just fuck off," Mountain told her. She laughed once more, I will be the end of you, ghoul."

At that point, Swiss came back with Lilith, who had a worried look on her face, "Why didn't you tell me anything before, Mountain? I could've helped you sooner."

"I thought I would be fine," Mountain told her. Lilith sighed in response as she told him, "Lay down."

He did as he was told, laying on his back on the bed, Sister Imperator watching from the sidelines with a smirk on her face. Lilith then placed her hands onto Mountain, one on his forehead, the other on his chest. She told them, "If there ends up being any damages, I'll get you guys a new room and get these damages paid for."

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