Chapter Sixteen: The Visit

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Sodo had been awake for hours. Swiss fell asleep at about 2 in the morning, the use of his abilities knocking him out out of exhaustion. Sodo had woken up not long after Swiss fell asleep. Rain hadn't woke up yet either, leaving Sodo alone with his thoughts.

I just keep fucking everything up. Why does all the bad shit happen to me? Why can't I have a happy ever after with my mate like everyone else? Why does she have to end up with my bad luck just because she's with me? Why... Why... Why... Why... Why...

"Sodo," A voice said, making him finally get out of his head. He looked up and saw Aether crouched in front of him, "You're over thinking, man."

Sodo sighed and leaned back in his heat, "It's not fair to her, bro."

"What's not?" Aether asked, staying crouched in front of his friend. Sodo hadn't noticed that everyone else was already in the waiting room, waiting until the nurses say they could see Ember.

Sodo looked at his hands, telling him, "Being with me. Getting all my bad luck with life. She got hurt because of something I did. I fucked up and now she's paying for it."

"Sodo, she didn't die. She'll be okay. Once she's with you again, everything will be okay. I know it," Aether said. Sodo just sighed. That was when Cirrus walked over, handing Sodo the familiar journal, "Apparently Ember dropped this before she ran from you."

"Sister Imperitors journal?" Sodo asked, flipping through the pages. Once he got to the section about Ember, gone was what he had read when he first found the book. In its place were words that he didn't recognize. Words that must have been put there to make Ember think he had written it. Words that Sister Imperitor must've made her read. Everything clicked in Sodo's head at that point. The Sister of Sin cornering him. Ember seeing everything. The kiss.

"She was set up," He said. I
He looked up, finally noticing everyone else as he said, "Sister Imperator couldn't send her back to hell, not with both of us being marked. She's trying to break the bond. She's trying to break the bond between me and Ember, just so we can slowly kill ourselves. It's less work for her, and less mess on her hands. If she breaks the bond, she knows it'll kill us both."

"Now, that is quite the accusation, Ghoul," He heard the one voice he didn't want to hear behind him. He quickly stood up turning around to face Sister Imperator, "Get the hell out of here."

His eyes were flashing amber as if he was trying to hold himself back from pouncing on her and tearing her apart. Sister just smirked, "Oh, dear. That was your mate, wasn't it? I do apologize for what you must be going through. Although, I'm not particularly happy to see you all without your masks."

"Don't act like you haven't seen us like this before," Sodo spat. He basically threw the book at Sister saying, "You took out anything that would've shown it was your book to make it seem like I wrote it. What is wrong with you? Are you sick in the head or something? No one in their right mind would ever mess with a soulmate bond. But you..."

Sodo let out a dangerous chuckle, making Aether take a step closer to him, just in case he tried to pounce. Sodo simply continued, "You really are insane. It couldn't be considered murder. Could it? No. No, cause you're making us go against each other, letting the bond do all the work. Let me tell you one thing here Sister, Ember doesn't want your position. She doesn't care for it. Besides, any power you were scared of with her, it'll probably awaken itself anyway. No matter what. And, just in case it slipped your mind, we already marked each other. So you're fear of us being together," He just smirked, holding his hands out to his side, "Welcome to your worst nightmare, bitch."

Aether then moved Sodo away, telling Sister, "I think it would be best if you left. Not for your safety. But for everyone else in this hospital. It may be one thing, killing off a ghoul. But killing innocent people who have done nothing wrong, that must get to you. So, I'm going to tell you, not ask, tell you to leave. And if you refuse, we're all stronger than you. We'll make you leave."

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