Chapter Thirty-Nine: Days Off

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"Mounty, I'm bored," Swiss complained as he lay on the floor, arms and legs spread out, making him look like a starfish. Mountain rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you're always bored, Swiss. You and your ADHD have no patience."

"Let's go do something," Swiss said, "Since we're off until Copia can figure out what to do with Sodo in rehab, we can go into town."

Mountain sighed, "Fine, but I don't want to hear you asking to buy everything you see."

"I promise, I won't," Swiss said. Of course, once they were in town, Swiss was going into every single store, touching everything, with Mountain following helplessly as he held the shopping bags. Swiss came running over to Mountain, showing him a gem saying, "Look! It's so pretty!"

"Yeah, it is. That's Jade," Mountain told him. He then thought about something, telling Swiss, "You know, that stone is known for supporting those who, after a long road of healing from past traumas, are ready to seek a loved one again. Kinda like Sodo and Ember. We should get that for them and gift it to them. Help them get over everything that happened and help them come back together when Sodo comes back from Rehab."

Of course, Aether still hadn't told anyone what Sodo had done. They all thought he was just having a bad relapse of his alcoholism. Not even Ember knew yet, even though Aether knew she deserved to know. He just didn't find it his place to tell her.

Swiss smiled, "Yeah, that's a great idea!"

They both walked to the register to pay for the stone when the cashier said, "It's so sweet if you to help out the people with special needs."

"Special needs?" Swiss said confused, making Mountain chuckle, "He's not special needs. He's just crazy."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," the cashier said, handing them their bag and letting them leave. They were walking down the street, Swiss still thinking about how the lady had thought he was special needs. Mountain sighed, "Swiss, babe, stop thinking about it. It was an honest mistake."

"Do I really act that bad?" Swiss mumbled. Mountain stopped walking, Turning Swiss to face him as he said, "You are perfect the way you are. Even if you were special needs, I'd still be here. You know why?"

"Why?" Swiss asked softly. Mountain simply told him, "Because I love you."

Swiss smiled and went to say it back when his eyes saw an ice cream shop, "Oo! Can we get ice cream?"

"Yeah, alright, let's go," Mountain said, taking his mate's hand and walking into the shop. Once they got their ice cream, they went and sat on a bench in a park, sharing a cone. Mountain leaned over and kissed Swiss when they heard a voice, "Keep that gay shit away from the kids!"

Swiss let out a low growl, turning towards the man who had said that, "We aren't hurting anyone."

"You are ruining their innocence," The man said. Swiss scoffed and stood up. Mountain reached out to try and stop him, but Swiss just pulled his arm out of his grasp, and walked over to the man, saying in a low voice, "The only fucking thing ruining the kid's innocence is you. You wouldn't have said anything if it was a guy and a girl. You probably wouldn't have said anything if it was a girl and a girl, cause Satan knows you freaks love a show. No, as soon as it's two guys, now it's unnatural, now it's a problem. I'd keep your opinion to yourself, or I'll become a problem."

The man just stood up straighter, standing his ground, making Mountain quickly get up and pull Swiss away. The earth ghoul knew that the Multi-Ghoul would take that as a challenge and wouldn't hesitate to kill the guy. The guy let out a laugh, "Fucking cowards. Only a real man would stay and fight."

"Yeah, we're being the bigger man here and walking away. For the kids, right?" Mountain shot back. The guy just grabbed one of the kid's little yogurt cups and chucked it at the two ghouls, hitting Mountain right on the back of the head, and making him freeze. Swiss' eyes flashed orange as he turned around, storming back to the guy, now pissed off, "What the fuck was that, man? Your problem is with me, not him."

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