Chapter Sixty-Four: Shows with Sodo

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Everyone was rushing to get ready for the show, Ember was on the phone with Sunshine while Cirrus and Cumulus stood over her shoulder, talking gibberish to Dew. Sodo stood by Aether as he watched the ghoulettes, fixing the sleeves on his jacket as Aether said, "Still wishing for kits of your own?"

"Yeah, of course, but that's gonna happen whenever it happens, I'm not trying to rush it at this point," sodo told him. Aether then asked, "Why are you watching them so close then?"

"I'm still a little not used to something having my old name. I still respond to it, you know," Sodo told him. Aether nodded, "Yeah I know you respond to it. But usually, you react in violence towards me."

"Cause you only use it to be a dick," Sodo said, shrugging. Then, Ifrit walked in wearing the new uniform as he said, "This feels fucking weird man, I'm not used to all these buckles."

"Wait till you get to the mask, it's worse," Mountain told him. Ifrit just slowly put the mask on, his eyes instantly widening under it, "How the fuck do you see through this?"

"It's easier on stage, since it's darker and all. Believe me, it was worse when we had to wear it all the time," Sodo told him, "Thank Satan Lilith changed that stupid rule. It was as if Imperator was ashamed of us."

"No she was definitely ashamed of us," Mountain said, feeling a pain in his head afterward, which he ignored, "I mean, look how she treated us. There is no way she was proud she had to have us summoned. Why else did we start out in the basement? Terzo was the reason we actually got somewhere above ground for our rooms."

"Fuck, I miss that guy," Ifrit said, taking the mask off and leaning against the counter. Ember got off the phone with Sunshine, putting it away as she said, "I never knew him."

"You would've loved him, babe," Sodo said as she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him, "He was even more insane than Copia."

"That's possible?" Ember giggled, making Aether say, "Yeah, that's what I said!"

"Well, neither of us were there when Terzo was," Cumulus said, holding Cirrus' hand, Mountain said, "Yeah, and we were only supposed to get one air ghoul after Zephyr. How we didn't know you two were mates is beyond me. I mean, you two literally showed up wrapped around each other. You came as a package deal."

"And we are still inseparable," Cirrus said, smiling softly. Cumulus smiled at her mate, giving her a sweet kiss. They all started to walk to the stage, their masks all on for the cameras, Sodo noticing one trying to get a shot from down below. He didn't let go of Wmbers hand as he leaned into the camera, making sure his mask took up the whole lense before standing up straight and continuing to walk, wrapping his arm around Ember's shoulder, keeping their fingers interlocked. Since everyone else had their mate on stage except Ifrit and Aether, Ifrit came running up behind Aether, grabbing his hand, making Aether laugh, and swinging their hands.

They were all handed their instruments, Ifrit having elected to use the white fantomen he used to play. As soon as he was handed it, he said, "Oh, my beautiful Vex, how I've missed you."

"Great, we had Tempest, now we have Vex, wonderful," Ember teased, making Ifrit just flip her off as he laughed. They were soon led onto the stage, Ember standing on Sodo's stage, ready to start the show. She looked over at Sodo, who stood next to Ifrit, giving her a small wave. Ember smiled and stood up straight, adjusting her guitar as Imperium ended, the light turning on behind her as she started the beginning of Kaisarion. Once the curtain dropped, the fans went wild seeing the fantomen again, automatically realizing Ifrit had come back.

They all walked to the front of the stage, Ifrit strumming his guitar once before putting his hand to his chest, bowing a little, happy that the fans hadn't forgotten who he was. They soon moved on to Rats, Sodo getting more and more like the bass player he was before, even more stompy than he was with the guitar. Ember just laughed a little watching him, going up to the mic she had at some points to sing backup, since Sunshine wasn't there.

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