Chapter Seventy: Found

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"Lilith, stop saying you found nothing, stop telling me you have nothing, you've been saying that every fucking day, we need to find him!" Mountain exclaimed as he leaned forward on the couch. His hands going through his hair in stress as he leaned his elbows on his knees. Ifrit sighed from the side of the room, taking a step forward to help his mate, just for Lilith to put her hand up to him, telling him to stop. She slowly sat down on the coffee table in front of Mountain saying, "I am doing everything I can, Mountain. I'm asking surrounding churches, I'm asking the Sisters, I'm asking everyone to see if they know anything at all. I'm coming up empty-handed no matter what corner I turn. I'm doing all that I can. Yes, I'm finding nothing. I know it's not what you want to hear. I know you're stressing out. I'm sorry I can't do more. Please, just give me more time."

"Lilith, I dont think Swiss has much time left. We are running out of time. I can't give you any more. Not with his life on the line," Mountain told her, looking up at her, "There's something we can do. There's gotta be. Something. Anything."

"I'll try my best to find out more. I will. I promise," Lilith told him. He just sighed, looking down at the ground, his arms hanging off hus knees. Lilith put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him before standing up and walking back to Ifrit saying quietly, "Find something for me to go off of. Please. We need to get Swiss back."

Ifrit glanced at Mountain and said, "He can't be alone right now."

"He's been confiding in Sodo I've noticed. Get him," Lilith said. Ifrit nodded and walked down the hallway to Sodo's room, Lilith going back to her office. Ifrit knocked on Sodo's door, Sodo calling out, "What?!"

"Dude, I know you're probably busy, but Mountain needs you man," Ifrit spoke through the door. He could hear shuffling on the other side of the door, Sodo soon opening the door, seeing his old friend, "What happened?"

Ifrit peeked into the room, seeing Ekber stepping into the bathroom quickly, Sodo glancing back at her in worry. Ifrit asked, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Probably just morning sickness," Sodo said without thinking. He had been so worried about Mountain, he forgot that no one knew about Ember being pregnant. Ifrit asked, "She's pregnant?"

"Yeah- no- I mean," Sodo started, realizing he fucked up. He let out a sigh, lowering his voice, "Yeah, she is. We haven't told anyone yet because we want to make sure Swiss is home safe first. Her idea."

"Oh, well, congratulations man," Ifrit said, Sodo simply nodding before changing the subject, asking, "What happened with Mountain?"

Ifrit sighed, "He's been wanting us to keep him updated every day with anything we find, or don't find for that matter. But every day it's been the same news."

"Coming up on nothing?" Sodo asked. Ifrit nodded and Sodo sighed, "Fuck. It's been, what? A week now?"

"Week and a half," Ifrit said, "He's stressed, he's frustrated. He almost snapped at Lilith earlier."

"He's in the common room?" Sodo asked, walking away from the door. Iforit responded, "If he hasn't moved, yeah he is."

Sodo knocked on the bathroom door saying, "Baby, you gonna be okay if I leave you alone for a bit?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go be there-" She was cut off by throwing up once again. Sodo looked over at Ifrit, silently asking him to stay with her. Ifrit nodded in response as Sodo said to his mate, "Em, Ifrit is gonna stay with you for a bit, okay? He knows, I dropped the ball."

"Go ahead, love. Mountain needs you," Ember responded after a second. She soon emerged out of the bathroom saying, "I'll be okay. I promise."

Sodo pressed a kiss to her head, knowing she hated it if he kissed her after she threw up, telling her, "I'll be back."

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