Chapter Nineteen: Going Home

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"Sodo, I reject you as my mate."


Sodo waited to feel the pain of the rejection, just to feel nothing. He looked confused as Ember asked, "Why didn't it work?"

"I-I don't know," Sodo responded. Ember just tried again, "I reject you as my mate, Sodo."

Once again, nothing happened. Ember grew frustrated, "I don't want to be fated to you forever!"


"No, you hate me. I'm not going to be with someone who hates me," Ember insisted.

"I don't hate you, Ember! I stayed here the entire time you were in a coma. I didn't leave. Aether had to make me leave so I could shower. I literally killed a guy because he was trying to kill you. I risked my existence for you and I'd do it all over again because I love you," Sodo confessed. Ember gaped at the ghoul for a moment before telling him, "Liar. Get out."

"No, I won't get out," Sodo said. He let himself partially change into a ghoul, just as they would be on stage with their masks, pulling his collar away from his neck, showing her the mark, "We marked each other. We are fated to be together for eternity. You loved me once the way I loved you. But then that stupid accident happened and you don't remember anything. But, you know what? I don't care. I will fight to make sure you remember. I won't lose you. I love you, Ember. Only you. You may not feel the same right now, but know that I do and it will never change."

Ember just stared at me for a moment before saying, "Yeah, that's just fucking weird. Plus, I don't have a mark. How are you so sure?"

"You do have one! You have one but it doesn't show up when you're human " Sodo exclaimed, running his hands through his hair, "I was there when you got it, I'm the one that put it there. You're the one who marked me, I'm not lying about any of this stuff. Why would I?"

His voice got quieter at the end as Embrr just scoffed, "You could be lying to make it seem like I'm the only one for you. That you'll die without me. You're being dramatic."

"Ember, why would I lie about something like this? Because of the bond, we both nearly died! Sister tried to send you back. I am not lying, please just believe me. I'll prove to you that I'm not lying. I'll do anything. You've got me begging here," Sodo said, trying to convince Ember of his love for her. She just scoffed, "She didn't try to send me back, you did. She's only been trying to help me since I got here. If all you're gonna do is lie, then leave."

"I'm not lying. Why do you think she's been trying to help you, what did she do to you?" Sodo asked as a tear fell down his cheek, partially front the frustration of her not believing him, but also because it was hurting him that she wasn't believing him. He quickly wiped away, turning away from Ember for a moment in an attempt to hide his moment of weakness. He normally didn't care if Ember saw him cry, but something in this moment made him want to protect himself.

Ember shook her head to herself telling him, "Just leave. Sister told me you would try to do something like this."

"Something like what?" Sodo said in a frustrated tone. Ember just shrugged, "try to manipulate me to make me want you. I know all of your tricks, Sodo."

"What tricks? I'm not trying to manipulate you, if I wanted to I could, but I would never do that with you. Swiss, maybe, but never you," Sodo told her, getting more frustrated. Ember just scoffed, looking away from the ghoul. Sodo let out a breath, trying to calm himself down. Pursing his lips, he left the room, not wanting to say anything he'd regret. As soon as he entered the waiting room, the four ghouls there felt the room heat up.

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