Chapter Seventy-Five: Family

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Aeris woke up with Cumulus cuddled into his side. He smiled softly and rubbed her arm sweetly as he looked at the time. The digital clock next to the bed read 9:52 AM. He sighed, holding Cumulus close. He didn't wanna wake her up. He knew she was probably tired from the night before. Aether soon stumbled in, looking at Aeris with a confused look. Usually the short male would've been up and in the kitchen by now. Aeris simply held a finger to his lips, telling his mate to be quiet. Aether simply nodded, walking over, and pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Good morning."

Aeris smiled softly, watching as Aether went into the bathroom. He couldn't help but chuckle, noticing how Aether was walking. 'Swiss really had a good time with him last night,' he thought.

With his chuckle, Cumulus started to stir. She cracked her eyes open, looking at Aeris, smiling softly, "Morning."

"Mornin'," Aeris chuckled. She slowly sat up, stretching. Aeris watched her from the bed saying, "Aethers in the bathroom, so if you need to go, you should probably use your own."

"Aether's up?" She asked. Aeris nodded, "Probably barely woke up. He seems like Swiss really had his way with him last night though."

Cumulus chuckled, glancing at the bathroom door, "The poor guy."

Aeris let out a small laugh, sitting up, "He'll be fine."

Cumulus got off the bed, grabbing her leggings and pulling them on, "I'm gonna get started on making breakfast. See you down there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit," Aeris said. She nodded and left the room. Aeris then got off the bed, walking to the bathroom. Aether had left the door unlocked, allowing Aeris just to walk in. He saw Aether just standing over the sink, his eyes closed as if he hadn't slept much, "What? You didn't top last night?"

Aether glanced back at Aeris, bags under his eyes as he said, "Shut up."

Aeris let out a giggle, "My poor baby."

"Swiss gets super fucking rough, okay?" Aether tried to defend. Aeris just leaned on the counter next to his mate saying, "Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type to take it slow."

"Yeah? And you and Cumulus? How'd that go?" Aether asked. Aeris just shrugged, "I got to know how it feels to top someone. And, believe me, next time, you're in for it. Especially since I now know you've already been fucked before."

Aether groaned, "Fuck off, Aeris. I can barely feel my legs. I don't even remember falling asleep."

"Oh, so he really fucked you hard, huh?" Aeris asked. Aether simply nodded, making Aeris comment, "Maybe next time I'll take Swiss."

Aether just smacked him upside the head in response, making Aeris laugh, "If you're tired, go sleep. I'll bring you food later with some pain meds. You'll be fine."

Aether just grumbled in response, going straight to the bed and flopping onto it. It didn't take long for Aeris to hear Aethers snores. He soon walked out of the room after putting on some sweats and figuring out his messy hair, soon hearing Cumulus yell, "Who fucking fucked in the kitchen?!"

Swiss' eyes widened at Cumulus' outburst, forgetting that Aether had made a mess on the counter that neither of them ever cleaned up. He debated just going back into his room and hiding so he wouldn't have to deal with angry Cumulus, or going into the kitchen and owning up to it. Neither of the options sounded fun. He let out a sigh, "Fuck."

He slowly walked into the kitchen to see Cumulus scrubbing the countertops. He went over to her, telling her, "Hey, Short-Stack, I got it. It's my fault."

"Satan, Swiss, at least clean up your mess," Cumulus sighed, moving out of the way. Swiss shook his head, "It's not my mess, per say, but I did cause it."

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