Chapter Sixty-Six: Swapped

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"Where's the child!" Ember exclaimed as she saw Rain and Sunshine walk through the main doors of the hotel. Sunshine giggled and pointed inside the stroller that Rain was pushing, "She's asleep, Ember."

"Oh, come on, I just wanted to spend time with her," Ember pouted. Sodo soon caught up with her, having to take the stairs since he wasn't fast enough to get into the elevator with Ember. He was panting as he said, "You couldn't hold the door?"

"You couldn't hurry up?" Ember shot back. She looked into the stroller saying, "She's gotten so big!"

"Yeah, that happens when you're gone for 3 months," Rain teased. She just playfully shoved him saying, "I couldn't not go on tour, Rain."

"Good to have you back, brother," Sodo told Rain, finally having caught his breath. Rain just smiled in response. Sunshine then said, "You can oogle Dew when we get to the room, come on, let's get out of the lobby."

"Oh, fine," Ember said. Sodo was the first to the elevator saying, "I'm not taking the fucking stairs again."

Ember simply laughed at her mate as she took the stroller from Rain, letting him walk over to Sodo, putting his hand on his shoulder saying, "It's not bad to stay in shape, Sodo."

"We are on the fifth floor, that is a lot of stairs, fuck that," Sodo said. They all piled into the elevator, all of them talking about the show. Rain and Sunshine were joining them on the last month of the tour, finally being able to play on stage again. Of course, Ifrit was bummed he couldn't play anymore, but Copia told him he could join in on acoustic shows.

They all met up in Mountain and Swiss' room, since they had the biggest room having Shadow and Lang. They all started to catch up on what had happened over the course of the past 3 months, Ifrit even laughing about when he had nearly fallen off the edge of the stage, just to end up tossing Aether off of it. Aether just huffed and said, "You're lucky you didn't damage the guitar."

"Oh, come on, you're like a cat, you always land on your feet," Ifrit shot back. Aeris decided to pipe in and say, "I will say, he does not always land on his feet."

"Now that sounds interesting," Rain said, chuckling. Aether simply groaned as Aeris recounted the moment, "Back at the church, he was trying to help me hang up my curtains, he ended up fucking up the placement of the ladder, despite me telling him it was gonna fall, might I add, and he went up it. The ladder ended up falling backward. He ended up on his back with the ladder on top of him."

"That shit hurt," Aether said, "And all you did was laugh."

"It was funny!" Aeris exclaimed, unable to hold in his laughter at this point. Swiss decided to add, "He also gets jelly legs on stage sometimes. Ends up falling on his ass."

"This is bullying," Aether said, pointing at everyone as they laughed, "This is bullying and I won't stand for it."

"Well, of course you won't stand for it, you keep falling," Cumulus said through her laughter. Sodo told him, "I've said it once, I'll say it again. You're one clumsy motherfucker."

"Yeah, yeah, fuck off," Aether grumbled. It wasn't long until Dew woke up from her nap. Ember and Sodo went off to go spend time with the baby while Moutain and Swiss left to go get Lang and Shadow from Copia. It was getting close to when they would need to leave to go to the venue and they needed to get the two kits ready to go.

"I'm so happy you guys didn't have to miss out on the whole tour," Cumulus said. Sunshine smiled softly, "Yeah, I am too. I was missing it. One of the Sisters back at the church showed us some videos of you guys, um, what where they called, Rain?"

"Edits, I think?" The water ghoul said, "It was some weird word but we both missed being here with you all so we got the approval from Dews doctor and we came out here."

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