Chaper Seventy-Seven: We're screwed

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"I told you," Sodo said as he laid in the bed next to Ember, his hands on her belly. She just rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I'm just happy he's healthy."

"I know, baby. I am too. But I was still right," Sodo told her. It was now the next morning after Aether had told them that they were going to have a little boy. They had been up for about an hour now, but they didn't wanna get out of bed. There was soon a knock at the door, "Guys, Shadow and Lang are getting antsy. They wanna get out of the hotel. You two gonna come along?"

"Nah, we're okay here, Swiss. Maybe Rain and Sunshine wanna take Dew out?" Ember called out. Swiss nodded on the other side of the door, "Alright then. If you need anything, just call."

"Thank you, Swiss," Sodo called, a smile on his face as he rubbed Ember's belly. Swiss then walked down the hall, knocking on Sunshine and Rain's door, Rain opening it, "Hey, what's up?"

"Shadow and Lang wanna get out of the hotel. You wanna join us? Dew might enjoy the tropical shit or whatever it is here," Swiss told him. Rain nodded, "Yeah, just give me and Sunny a few minutes. We'll meet you in the lobby?"

"Yeah, sounds good, bro," Swiss said. Rain then shut the door, Swiss walking back to his room and going inside, "Rain and Sunshine are gonna join with Dew. Said to meet them in the lobby."

"You hear that, Shadow? You need to get ready to go outside. Now come down from the light and get your shirt on, please," Mountain said. Shadow whined, "I don't wanna wear my shirt."

"Come on, Bubba. You gotta come down," Swiss said, "I don't wanna wear a shirt either but I need to. So you do too. Unless you don't wanna go to the park."

"Park?!" Shadow exclaimed, immediately coming down from the light fixture. He ran over to Mountain, putting his hands up so the earth ghoul could put the shirt on him. Mountain let out a small laugh, pulling the shirt onto Shadow. It wasn't long after that they all left the hotel room to go to the lobby. Rain and Sunshine were already there with Dew. Mountain told them, "Sorry, Shadow didn't wanna behave. You guys ready?"

"Yeah, let's go," Rain said. Sunshine took the stroller Dew was in, pushing it out of the door while Mountain picked up Lang to put her on his back, Shadow holding Swiss' hand. They all talked about the next tour, the four ghouls raving about how fun it would be. Swiss then asked, "Wait, if the next tour is close to Ember's due date, who's gonna cover Sodo and Ember?"

"The one person who can," Rain said, "Ifrit."

"So, we'd just be going back to the three people up front?" Swiss asked. Sunshine shrugged, "I mean, do we really have much of a choice?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Swiss said. It wasn't long until they made it to a park, Shadow and Lang running off to play while the four adults stayed on a bench, Rain pushing the stroller back and forth to keep Dew quiet. Their conversation changed to all the fond memories they had over the years. All of them were smiling and laughing recollecting all the funny things that had happened to each other either on stage or in the ministry.

"Oh, hey, remember when Sodo nearly set the ministry on fire?" Mountain asked Rain. Rain chuckled, "Yeah. That shit was crazy."

"When was this?" Sunshine asked. Swiss then added, "Yeah. I don't remember this either."

"It was before you two. Rain was recently summoned and Sodo had been a fire ghoul for about a month or two. He was still getting a hang of his new power. He was outside, trying to be with the rest of us since he didn't trust himself alone, new power and all. Now, he claimed he was trying to water the flowers, that he had forgotten that he was a fire ghoul now, but a good amount of the plants in front of the ministry caught fire. Rain ended up putting it out. Sodo was pissed."

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