Chapter Fifty-Five: Massacres

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"Rain! Behind you!" Sunshine yelled out as she fought against her own angel, not able to find an opening to finally kill the holy being. An angel was coming up behind Rain, holy blade raised, ready to kill him. Sunshine was starting to lose focus on her fight, worrying about Rain, who was busy holding off his own angel when the angel behind him flew back and hit the wall hard, breaking its wings. That small movement gave Sunshine the opening she needed to steal the angel's breath and kill it instantly. She looked behind her and saw a ghoul walking over, eyes glowing purple as it quickly finished off the fight between Rain and the angel as well, "You two okay?"

"Omega?" Rain asked when he turned around. The quintessence ghoul told him, "Neither of you are hurt, right?"

"No, we're okay, thanks," Sunshine responded, walking over to Rain. The water ghoul wrapped his arm around her instinctively. Omega looked between the two of them before asking, "You haven't seen Water around, have you?"

"Water?" Rain asked, "No, why?"

"I can't find him. The pull is gone, I think I lose him," Omega said quietly. Sunshine told him, "I'm sure he's okay, Omega. He's a strong ghoul."

"If it makes you feel better, we can help you look for him?" Rain offered. Omega just sighed and ran a hand through his short, dark hair and said, "I don't want to risk finding him dead."

"Then we better hurry up," Sunshine said, "The sooner we go looking for him, the better chance you'll find him alive."

Omega hesitantly nodded, "Yeah, you're right. We need to hurry."

They all rushed down the hallways, looking at any ghoul they found, sighing in relief when it wasn't Omegas mate. After a while, Omega paused and looked off into the distance, his eyes wide. Rain looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The pull. It's back," Omega said, "It's back, he's alive."

Sunshine smiled and said, "Let's go find him. I'm sure you two would be better off protecting each other."

They all wandered the church, trying to follow the pull that Omega was feeling, just for the older quintessence ghoul to get frustrated, "We keep getting to where he was when he's gone. We're too slow."

"Omega, calm down, we will find him. He's alive, you know he is," Rain said. Sunshine looked around and said, "Where do you feel the pull coming from now?"

Omega simply pointed down a hallway, making Sunshine start walking down it. Rain looked at Omega and said, "Better start following her. Unless you don't want to see Water."

"Fuck off," Omega grumbled, walking down the hall, and following Sunshine, making Rain chuckle, slowly walking behind them. Rain started subconsciously trying to move any blood out of Sunshine's way, making sure she wouldn't slip on it. Omega could see the blood just moving out of Sunshine's way. He shook his head a little, glancing at Rain, who had a very faint blue glow in his eyes. Omega soon felt the pull get stronger making him pull ahead of Sunshine and turn a corner, seeing Water outside of a door. He breathed out a sigh of relief as he walked over to his mate, "Oh, thank Satan."

The two embraced each other, both relieved the other was okay. Water told him, "Aether healed me. I was ready to accept my death, but he insisted he heal me."

"Aether healed you?" Rain asked, "Where is he?"

Water motioned to the door behind him. Rain and Sunshine rushed inside, both of them gasping at the sight of a weakened Aether and an injured Aeris. Sunshine walked over, "What happened?"

"He got shot with an arrow," Aether said softly, his hands running through the smaller ghoul's hair. Rain crouched next to Aether, pitting a hand on his shoulder, "He'll push through. He'll make it."

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