Chapter Forty-Eight: Struggles

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Early update because scottlangsdaughter said I wouldn't. I won't be tested. And I don't back down from a dare.


A eris was sitting next to the bed where Aether lay, holding his hand, watching his bandaged chest rise and fall. It may have only been a few hours since everything had happened, but he was still worried for his mate. His tears had stopped a while ago. He just wanted Aether to wake up now. The doctors all said he would be fine, that the force of the fireball was what knocked him out. But Aeris just couldn't believe that. If it was only the force, then he would've been awake now.

Because of Rain using his ability on Aether, his body was already back to its normal temperature. It had been for a while. Aeris didn't know if he was just overthinking it all or not, but he felt like there was something else that was wrong and that's why he hadn't woken up yet.

Ember had been with him earlier, but she had left to get food first him, saying he couldn't not eat. He tried to argue with her, saying he wasn't hungry, but his stomach growled right after, proving him wrong. She had simply laughed, telling him she'd be back.

He heard the door open behind him, followed by a silent curse. He didn't turn around to see who it was. His eyes stayed on Aether's chest. Footsteps came closer behind him as a voice came out, "Fuck, I am so sorry."

It was Sodo. He felt like he had to go see Aether. He felt bad being the reason that his brother got hurt. Aether had tried to calm Sodo down when he went into his room earlier. Sodo was already upset seeing Ember and Ifrit together. It just made it worse smelling them together in his room. Aether tried to tell him nothing was happening between his mate and his old friend, but his mind was so clouded by what he had created in his head that he didn't listen. No, instead, he went out and attacked his old friend. And Aether got caught in the crossfire.

Aeris didn't respond to Sodo. The fire ghoul scared him. Not only had he heard stories about how he was before he went to rehab, but he had also seen what he could do. And he didn't have Aether to protect him. Sodo stayed behind him, his hands in his pockets, looking at Aether as he said, "No one was supposed to get hurt. He tried to stop me. I didn't listen. Things got out of hand. I got out of control. Ember could've taken the hit, I know it. She's strong. She could've protected you. Fuck, it's my fault he's in here."

"Yeah, it is," Aeris finally spoke. He didn't turn around to face Sodo. He couldn't handle looking at the reason that his mate was in the infirmary. If it was Ifrit, it would be a different story. He felt comfortable around the larger fire ghoul. With Sodo, he felt he was more unpredictable. More likely to snap.

Sodo simply looked taken aback at how forward Aeris was. He had heard from Aether that his mate usually kept to themselves. Aeris spoke again, "Because of you, Aether is hurt. He should've been awake by now, but he's not. Because you couldn't keep your shit together, he's in a hospital bed."

"I didn't mean to-" Sodo tried. Aeris turned around to glare at the fire ghoul, his eyes flashing silver as he said, "Didn't mean to hurt him? Yeah, you can say that, but it happened. You can't take it back with a simple sorry."

Sodo's eyes widened, never having seen an air ghoul actually mad. Ember walked in right then, holding a tray of food, "I brought your favorite- oh, Sodo, what are you doing here?"

"I- I-" Sodo stuttered, his eyes flickering between Ember and Aeris as he ran his hand through his hair. Aeris responded, "He thinks apologizing will make everything better."

"I don't think it will make everything better, I'm just trying to be better-" Sodo tried, just for Aeris to speak again, "Be better by keeping your temper in check."

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