Chapter Fifty-two: Bloodshed

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Aether ran behind Aeris as the smaller ghoul ran through the halls, searching for people to help. He soon ran into a ghoul leaning against a wall, stopping in front of them and crouching. He moved the ghoul's head, making the ghoul let out a small groan, "Aeth, they're alive."

"Alive?" Aether asked, finally catching up. He held his hand against his chest, the wound from when he was hit with the fireball still not completely healed as he looked at the ghoul. His eyes went wide as he crouched as well, "Water?"

"Hmm?" Water hummed. His face was covered in blood. Aether couldn't tell if it was Angel's blood or Water's. He asked, "What happened?"

"Fucker got the jump on me," Water spoke, letting out a cough, some blood coming from his mouth. Okay, most likely covered in his own blood, Aether thought. He looked over the injured ghoul, trying to find any open wounds as he asked, "Did he get you?"

"Take a look at me, Aether. Do I look like I won?" Water said. Aether sighed, "I didn't ask if you won. Where are you hurt?"

"Don't waste your power on me, man," Water denied Aether. The quintessence ghoul just groaned, "Dude, I'm trying to help you. Stop thinking you can handle it. Because by the way you're going, you will die."

"I lost against an angel, Aeth," Water told him, a disappointed look on his face. Aeris spoke up, "You fought against one and lived. All the others we found are dead."

"Fuck, just let me die, I won't be able to keep fighting, not like this," Water said, groaning. Aether looked at Aeris and said, "Help me lay him down."

"What are you gonna do?" Aeris asked. Aether told him, "I'm not gonna let him die. I'm gonna try healing him."

"You can heal people?!" Aeris exclaimed. Aether quickly shushed him, "Call all the angels over, would ya?"

Aeris whispered an apology, making Aether sigh and say, "Quintessence ghouls have the ability. Omega's better at it. I've never had to."

"This is going to be your first time healing someone?" Aeris asked. Aether nodded, "Kinda. Someone injured to this extent at least. I've healed like paper cuts on Swiss or small burns on Rain, but nothing like this."

"Dude, honestly-" Water tried, just for Aether to shush him. Water was worried now. Sure, Omega knew how to heal, but not even he had healed someone to this extent. Water knew he was an inch from death, and he was ready to accept his death. Hearing that Aether never healed someone outside from very, very minor injuries just worried him more.

Aether told him, "At this point, I got no choice but to try. I'm sure Omega can feel you getting weaker. I'm not gonna leave him without you."

Omega and Water had been mates for years now. They were the first two males to be mated to each other. Aether wasn't about to let Omega lose his mate. Not when he knew he could feel his mate dying.

Aeris and Aether slowly laid Water down, the ghoul wincing and groaning in pain as he was moved. Aether muttered an apology before noticing where Water was hurt. He had been stabbed. Aether took a deep breath and said, "It was a holy blade, I'm not sure how much I can do, but I'll do what I can."

"You can do it Aeth," Aeris encouraged. Aether then put his hands over the wound, his eyes starting to glow purple as he channeled his power into Water's wound. Water started to cry out in pain, making Aether tell Aeris, "Make him be quiet!"

Aeris looked around, trying to see if there was anything he could use before just opting to sit by Water's head, holding it in his lap, his hands over his mouth, muffling the sounds coming from the ghoul. After a while Aether fell back onto his ankles, taking his hands off of Water as he panted. He had successfully healed the wound, managing to take out any holy magic that was put into him, but now Aether had his body fighting against the magic.

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