Chapter Fifty-Eight: Angels Vs Ghouls

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The ghouls ran outside, watching as the knights and the archangels engaged in battle. Ember was the first to speak, "You just had to mention archangels, didn't you, Rain?"

"Shut up," Rain shot at her, his eyes staying in the sky as the battle went on. Swiss said, "Guys, don't you think we should help?"

"Swiss, what do you propose we do?" Aether asked. Aeris said, "I mean, we could fight."

"Aeris, don't be a smart ass right now," Aether told his mate. Ember looked at Sodo and said, "I'll go wherever you do."

"Fuck, I'm not gonna leave them to fight alone. Asmodeus saved your life, I owe him mine," Sodo said. Ember took his hand and said, "So we're fighting?"

"Damn straight we are," Sodo responded. The two ran off towards a group of Angels before the others could argue. Cirrus said, "Well, I'm not going to leave them on their own. Lussy?"

"I'm gonna stay with the injured. I can't leave Copia alone in case anything happens," Cumulus responded. Swiss told her, "Mountain should wake up soon, he won't be alone."

"The second Mountain hears you're out here because I assume your staying here to fight, he's gonna wanna be out here too. He won't leave you to fight on your own," Cumulus told him. Swiss sighed and said, "Yeah, you're right. Just keep him safe until he's strong enough to join us."

"Of course, Swiss. I won't let him get hurt," Cumulus promised. Omega said, "I'll go with you, Cumulus. You need someone there that can heal. As much as Aether might hate it, I'm better at it than he is."

"This might be the one time I don't care if you're better at something than I am. Aeris is gonna fight, I'll be damned if I'm letting him get hurt again," Aether said. Omega nodded and pulled his brother into a hug, "Be safe, brother. I don't wanna see you or your mate back in that infirmary. Understood?"

"Don't worry too much, man. You'll get gray hairs," Aether teased, hugging Omega back. The two held each other for a few moments more before Omega pulled back, affectionately smacking Aether's forehead with his palm before going to Water and asking, "You fighting?"

"Of course I am. One of us has to," Water responded. Omega gave Water a passionate kiss, telling him, "Don't almost die on me again, baby. Or I'll kill you myself."

"Promise?" Water teased. Omega smirked softly, pressing a sweet kiss to his mate's forehead before going inside with Cumulus.

Sunshine watched as Sodo and Ember fought against the angels, glancing at Rain, who immediately shook his head, "No, it's too risky."

"Rain, I'm not letting them fight alone. I was fine before, I'm fine now, I can fight," Sunshine insisted. Rain just shook his head, "I won't let their recklessness make you lose our kit, Sunshine."

"Rain you're worrying over something that we can always bring back. I'm not worried about the kit right now, I'm worried about our home. I'm worried about our friends. Now you can either fight with me or cower in the shadows, it's up to you, but I'm fighting whether you want me to or not," Sunshine told her mate. Rain looked with wide eyes as Sunshine went running towards the fight. The others who said they would fight ran after her, leaving Rain alone with Ifrit, who was looking worriedly up at the sky, his arm still in the sling. Rain asked, "You okay man?"

"What if Lilith doesn't make it and we all fight for nothing?" Ifrit asked. Rain sighed and said, "You and I both, man. I don't wanna fight if I'll just end up losing Sunshine and my kit."

Ifrit took a deep breath before saying, "But that's also a reason to fight, isn't it? I mean, look at everyone out there. They're all fighting for each other, trying to make sure they all stay alive. We should be out there. Fighting for the future."

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