Chapter Eighty-Nine: Birth

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Ember watched as Sodo paced back and forth, it was starting to annoy the hell out of her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Sodo gave her a fake smile, one that Ember saw straight through.

"Don't bullshit me right now because I am still waiting to push a child out of a very tiny hole in my body. A hole that still needs to grow fucking five more centimetres before I can even push. So please, tell me what is wrong." She groaned, her body in pain as another contraction came over her.

Sodo sighed, sitting down on her bed, taking her hand in his. "I'm scared to be a dad, Em. Fuck, not even just scared, just terrified. I'm afraid that I'll turn out like my dad. I'm scared I won't be good enough and that I'll fail as a father. Our kit deserves so much more than I can give, I'm scared I won't be enough for him."

Ember gave Sodo a soft smile, interlacing their fingers. "Sodo, it's natural to be scared. What, do you think I'm not scared to be a mom? Because I'm freaking out just as much. But I sought out Sunshine when I was freaking out a few weeks ago. And she said she felt the same way, she was terrified because she felt like Dew would want a better mom, especially with them being apart of the band. She was afraid she would feel neglected and abandoned. But then she told me about the first time she held Dew and all her fear went away. She also said Rain was the same way, not knowing if he would be the perfect dad or not. But she said when Dew reached out to grab his finger, Rain knew from that moment forward he would do anything for her."

Ember continued on after another contraction passed. "Sodo, baby, the fact that you are freaking out about not being good enough is the biggest sign that you care. I doubt that your dad was freaking out this much when you were born. And you have done everything to keep us safe so I know that you will do everything to keep him safe as well. You are going to be an amazing dad and our kit will know he is very much loved between the two of us. So much he will probably get sick of us by the time he's a teenager."

Sodo chuckled, blinking back the tears in his eyes. "You're right."

"Of course I'm right, it's me," Ember grinned. Sodo just rolled his eyes, quickly wiping a tear that fell from his eyes before pressing a soft kiss to Ember's lips as he mumbled an I love you to her.

"I love you too," Ember said, squeezing Sodos hand tightly as another contraction came over her. "He better hurry up or I'm coming for him."

"Love, I don't think that's how it works," Sodo chuckled. Ember just gritted her teeth through the contraction as she said, "It's about to fucking be. Fuck, he already went past the due date, now he's taking forever to come out."

In the waiting room at the rest of the band, Copia, Alpha, Lilith, Omega, Water, and Ifrit. Lang was sitting on Phantom's lap, Swiss keeping a close eye on her just in case she got too much for him while Shadow slept in his lap. Phantom looked at the time and asked, "Is it normal for this stuff to take this long?"

"Every birth is different. Mine didn't last very long," Sunshine said, "Maybe her kit is just taking a while to be ready to actually come out."

"Imagine that," Rain joked, "Sodo's son is just as stubborn as he is. First, he waits until she's past the due date. Now that her water broke, he's still wanting to take forever."

"Maybe there's complications?" Lilith said. Ifrit told her, "Yeah, how about we don't think about that."

Lang looked up at Phantom and asked, "Is auntie Ember having her baby?"

"Yeah, she is," Phantom told her, a smile on his face. Lang giggled a little at his smile, just cuddling into his chest. Phantom let out a small chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her, Mountain asking, "Are you sure you're okay with her being on your lap?"

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