5-a drunkard's way to the cabin

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jang yubin

i wake up to screaming in my ear. the hangover has hit me and my head was POUNDING. i got drunk last night to celebrate hiding our 109th body and honestly i don't remember shit.

this place doesn't look familiar at all. where am i?

i got up and turned to look at...sangmin and douhyun? did shouu send them to come find me because i didn't return home last night?

"yubin?! how did you find out about our cabin?!"

their cabin? what the fuck is going on?

i got up immediately, obviously in pain. "i'm in a cabin?"

"yes captain obvious! how the hell-"

"i got drunk and don't remember shit." that seemed to shut them up immediately. "what do you mean by our cabin?" i asked, now quite curious.

they heaitated for a good moment then douhyun started to speak. "do not tell shouu any of this."

"why?" i became even more curious.

sangmin now started to speak. "well, me and douhyun have been in a relationship for over a year. i bought this cabin for us so we could always have alone time so the others wouldn't find out about us."

i nodded and embraced the both of them with a hug. "your secret is safe with me." they both smiled as they returned the hug.

we were in the hug for a good few seconds then they both let go. "now excuse us. we are gonna do things aroace's hate."

"that's not what aroace means but alright." i started to head out and not even a few seconds later theyre already fucking eachother.

i am openly aroace to everyone in the house. they don't understand what it means. i feel like i'm misunderstood. it breaks my heart a little bit in a way but i have hope that one day they will understand.

they will understand that aroace simply doesn't mean i don't like sex or like having relationships. they will understand that im simply just not attracted to anyone and that's ok and very much so valid.

i got home and everyone looked at me. "where were you?" shouu asked in a serious tone. "got drunk and ended up in a random house." i went to the medicine cabinent to grab some pain pills.

"was the person nice?" siyoung asked. "what person?" i played it cool while taking the pills. "the person in the house. they must have thought you were cute to take such good care of you."

i spat my water out. "why would that matter? i wouldn't be attracted to them anyway."

"i thought it would end in a love story so you don't have to die alone." i rolled my eyes so hard i think i saw the back of my head. i slammed my cup of water down.

"that wont ever happen and you wont understand. what about you and dongpyo? when will you two be a thing ever? you two are always together despite your arguments."

when i say mans is blushing, he is blushing HARD. "he's fucking annoying i would never."

i smirked, knowing that isn't true. "yeah ok." i walked to my room. i laid in my bed and started to slowly drift into a sleep in hopes the pain pills would kick in.


i wake up to check the time. 5 pm. surely sangmin and douhyun are home.

and surely they were. i can hear them playing their little game in there. i never understood the obsession of shooting games, despite being a serial killer.

i got up and walked to their room they shared. i am the only one without a roomate and honestly, it does get lonely. i entered their room to see them. i snuck behind them to watch. i watched for a good hour and saw how well they worked together, despite me not understanding this game.

maybe thats why they're a perfect match. huh.

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