20-how to plan a proposal with douhyun

13 1 8

yoo douhyun

it was the morning after we burned the body. i was up and have been up since then. i couldn't sleep thinking about tomorrow.


tomorrow is sangmin and i's second anniversary. tomorrow i plan on proposing to him. it's honestly eating me up inside, but i know i have found the one i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

does he though?

i sighed, looking over at my sleeping boyfriend. i smiled and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. i dialed the number to the coffee shop sangmin used to work at.

"hello?" i knew exactly who it was. "hey chan. i need you to do me a huge favor." i say. "sure. get some sleep after man you sound super tired." i chucked. "i'll tell you why. sangmin and i's two year anniversary is tomorrow. i am finally popping the question."

the phone was silent for a good moment. "hello?" i say. "your losing sleep over THAT? douhyun he'll accept either way. for the past two years i've seen the looks he have given you. it's the way i look at felix. trust me he will marry you."

it didn't take me long to well up in tears. sangmin has been looking at me the way chan looks at his husband. i wiped them away quickly and continued. "you're right. i called because i have old pictures of us and rose petals. i'm gonna propose at your coffee shop if that's ok with you."

"of course. me and the rest of my employees will help you pull this off. get some sleep though." i smiled. "thank you so much chan. i will." i hung up and crawled back in bed, cuddling sangmin close to me.

his eyes fluttered open, looking directly into mine. "morning." i smiled at him, kissing his forehead. "douhyun, baby, did you get any sleep?" i shook my head. "no. just have a lot on my mind." he nodded, kissing me sweetly. "i love you. get some sleep."

"i love you too sangmin. i will." i smiled and drifted off to sleep.
i awake to the sound of my phone. i get up and don't see sangmin. perfect. i answer it. "yes chan?"

"got enough sleep mate?" i rolled my eyes playfully. "yes. sangmin encouraged me too." i heard a chuckle from the phone. "good. you can come and start setting up. i'd wait to do rose petals until tomorrow morning." i smiled and nodded, even though chan couldn't see. "will do. see you then." i hung up.

i grabbed my keys, all the decorations, and a shoebox. i walked out of my room with a smile on my face. "i'm going out! call me if you need me!" i walked to my car. i unlocked it and placed everything in the back. i then went in the driver's seat and drove to the cafe.

a few minutes later, i arrived at the cafe. i got out, put my keys in my pocket, opened one of the backseat doors, and grabbed all the decorations and shoebox. i walked inside, greeted with a smile from chan.

he grabbed the shoebox from me to help with all the shit i was carrying. he opened it up and looked through it. "wow.."

"yeah. two years worth of pictures." i chuckled and put the decorations on the table. "so what are we gonna do with these pictures?"

"i have string and close pins. what we are gonna do is hang them up on the ceiling. can i get you and felix to do that?" chan and felix nodded and grabbed the shoebox of pictures and what they needed and went to work. "haechan, yoel, you two are gonna help me make like a red carpet type thing." they both nodded and grabbed the cloth on the table and helped spread it out.

i made sure nothing was folded, corners, nothing. i smiled at the result. "thanks you two." they nodded with a smile. i then went to see the progress chan and felix made. "good work. just a few more."

felix nodded and did what i said. he then hopped off the stool into chan's arms, both of them sharing a small kiss.

i smiled and sat down. "here's the plan for tomorrow. i will be here around seven in the morning, hiding in chan's office. chan, felix, you two will go pick up sangmin and blindfold him. haechan, yoel, both of you guy's job is to throw rose petals around when and if he says yes. got it?"

they all nodded. chan then gives me a look, still carrying felix in his arms bridal style. "if? he will totally say yes. remember what i said over the phone earlier." i nodded. "yes chan. alright, i will see you all tomorrow."

i walk out with all four saying their goodbyes. i grabbed my keys from my back pocket, unlocked the car, and got in the car. i sighed happily, knowing that hopefully tomorrow, i'm an engaged man. i started the car and drove home.

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