31-yours forever

18 2 11

lee sangmin

it was the next day. i was already at the venue in one of the changing rooms, getting my hair done. my tux is already on. i'm not gonna lie, i'm batshit nervous but excited at the same time.

nervous because almost everyone i knew is watching me walk down the isle and say my vows. excited because this indicates that i'm spending the rest of my life with yoo douhyun.

"look good?" the hairdresser asked. i nodded. "it's perfect." i tell her. she smiled. "i'm glad. now i have to go do the other groom's hair." i nodded and there she went to go do my groom's hair.

as i make sure i look perfect before i prepare myself to walk out there, someone's toddler boy decides to waddle on in. when i say someone, i mean chan and felix's.

they came to the united states along with haechan and yoel to come watch me get married. they adopted a little boy sometime in that year when i was here. i smiled and picked him up, sitting him on my lap. "how'd you get in here?" i ask him. "door." he says. he can't speak coherent sentences right now because obviously, he's only a toddler.

i chucked. "well your dads are probably finding you." and i was right. felix walked into my dressing room and picked up his boy out of my lap. "there you are. you know not to run off like that."

"it's fine felix he was with me." i tell him. "i trust you. not potentional strangers that could take our boy away from us." i nodded. "understandable."

"now excuse me, i have to go back with chan in the main room." i nodded. "see ya felix." i tell him. "see ya sangmin." he walked out with the boy in his arms.

shouu came into my dressing room this time. "the other groom is ready at the altar. you ready?" he asks. i nodded, linking my arm with his. i then notice something shiny on his left ring finger. i looked at him with a smirk.

"he proposed did he?" i asked. "yeah. he did. it was special and i can't wait to stand in that position you are in right now." i nodded with a smile.

the traditional wedding music began to play. "let's go." shouu whispered as he walked me down the isle. and there he was.

douhyun stood at the altar, waiting for me. i smiled, trying to hold back the tears. shouu let go of my arm as i am now facing douhyun. he took both of my hands in his.

the officiant started his speach. "welcome all. today we gather here to honor and celebrate the marriage of douhyun yoo and sangmin lee, who both are madly in love with eachother. marriage is the unity of two people who fall in love with eachother, no matter your gender or sexual orientation. now onto their vows. douhyun, please state your vows."

douhyun began to tear up. "i, douhyun, take you, sangmin, to be my lawfully wedded husband through thick and thin." i began to tear up aswell. i can't believe this is all becoming a reality.

"sangmin, please state your vows." the officiant tell me. i looked douhyun in the eyes. "i, sangmin, take you, douhyun, to be my lawfully wedded husband through thick and thin."

the ring barrier comes and presents us our rings. i take a ring and slid it on douhyun's finger as douhyun did the same for me.

"everyone, i'm happy to anounce them as husband and husband!" the officiant says as everyone is clapping. i cupped douhyun's cheeks and kissed him passionately as he returned the kiss. we both pulled away as we both walked hand in hand to reception.

reception was always my favorite at weddings, but today felt different. maybe because i'm one of the grooms and planned this. everyone sat down as food was being served. we decided to take this time to share memories through a mic.

first up was chan. he cleared his throat and started speaking. "hi everyone. my name is chris. sangmin worked for me back in korea and look at him now! he owns a coffee shop here in downtown la with his husband! i remember the days when sangmin would daydream about douhyun. i told him to go for it and look where he is now. cheers to the newlyweds." he went to sit back down.

next up was yubin. i know this is gonna be quite the embarrasing one. "hi everyone! i'm jang yubin, a friend of the two. they were both very private about their relationship and didn't tell anyone for a whole two years. impressive. i found out when i got drunk one night and stayed in their cabin. woke up to them having intercourse. so there's my memory. cheers!" everyone gave out a mix of laughter and cheers as yubin walked off.

next up was shouu. he cleared his throat and started his speech. "hi everyone. i'm shimada shouu. a father figure in both of their lives. i helped hire vendors with the choice of the newlyweds. now i didn't find out about their relationship until after they were engaged. it came as a shock but i was very happy. one memory i will never forget is what you all saw today. sangmin asked me of all people to walk him down the isle and i was more than happy to. so there's my memory since i don't have too many memories of them. cheers!" everyone cheered as shouu walked off the stage.

now it was douhyun's turn. he got up on stage and started his speech. "hi everyone. everyone obviously knows me as i'm groom number one. when i first met sangmin, i knew what i wanted. i knew i wanted to marry him at some point. now we are here and i'm ready to spend eternity with the man i consider the love of my life. i love you sangmin. forever and always."

i teared up at his heart-felt speech as he walked off the stage and sat by me. now it was my turn. i got up and walked to the stage to start my speech. "oh wow i didn't expect to cry! anyways, i remember the day chan told me to follow my heart and to go ask him out on a date. so i did. and look where i am now. if i didn't listen to chan i wouldn't be here today. i love you too douhyun and so glad i'm gonna spend eternity with you." i walked off as everyone cheered.

before you know it we were on the dancefloor dancing to the songs me and douhyun picked out. we were jamming and having a great night until yubin pulled all of us except my former coworkers in for a picture.

"alright on three. one, two, three." everyone smiled brightly as yubin took a selfie-styled picture of us. "alright let's go for another one. on three! one, two, three." we all smiled for the picture. this time shouu showed his ring in the picture. everyone looked at him and gasped, except junhyuk, his now fiance of course, and me, who knew since this morning.

"oh my god congratulations you two!" douhyun says, pulling shouu and junhyuk into a hug. junhyuk chuckled. "thanks! now lets not focus on us guys. it's sangmin and douhyun's night."

we all went back onto the dancefloor as soon as a slow song played. i wrapped my arms around douhyun's waist as he did the same but around my neck.

we both danced our heart out in what we are calling forever.


the end.

The Boys With Their Knives [Mirae AU]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα