7-siyoung's smokin hot tattoo artist friend

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son dongpyo

once again, shouu assigned me to do a double homicide with siyoung.

the little bitch that can suck my ass.

i feel like shouu's setting me up with him on purpose to make us fall in love or some shit. i wouldn't mind because i actually like siyoung in a way.

but i still somehow fucking hate his ass.

i'm in the car with siyoung, him driving. we basically ignored eacother the whole way there. i don't even care if i hate the silence, it's better hearing siyoung be an asshole.

we arrive at what appears to be a tattoo and  piercing shop? as if siyoung doesn't have enough tattoos.

i mean i would get one too if i wasn't scared of the needle.

"come with me." siyoung got out. i went to go follow him. we got in and his tattoo buddies greeted him.

sohn jaesuk and jung hwesung.

both have been running this shop for about three years and also siyoung's highschool buddies.

they actually encouraged me to get a tattoo at one point. i declined because my fears got in the way.

i can't lie and say i never liked any of his friends. hwesung is smoking hot. however, i have no guts to try and ask him out.

"dongpyo nice to see you!" jaesuk greets me with a hug. "nice to see you too!" i hugged back.

i then went over to hwesung. "ready to get a tattoo this time?" he asked.

this time i didn't bring myself to say no. "sure." he nodded and took me to a room. i followed and sat down, nervous.

"i know you have declined in the past due to fears but i promise you i will make you as comfortable as possible."

i smiled brightly. "thanks hwesung."

"no problem." he smiled. "so what you looking for?"

"a knife on my calf. be creative with it." he nodded and drew away.

i waited with what felt like a long time. he then put the stencil on my calf and started to get the ink and needle ready.

he then got close to my calf with the needle and started the tattoo.

"so, why do you hate siyoung so much?" he asked to keep me distracted from squirming in pain and fucking up the tattoo.

i sighed. "he's just annoying and not so fun to be around." he nods. "ever thought why?"

i shook my head. "not really."

"mmh." he focuses for a bit then he began speaking. "he's really not that bad."

"it's because you're his friend."

"yeah. if you got to know eachother much better, you two could be the best of friends."

i rolled my eyes so hard. friends? with that asshole?

i'll pass.

"he hates me. i hate him. not going to work."

"of course it can if you put effort into your friendship."

i nodded. "maybe."

he's kinda right. however, siyoung won't commit to that.

we sat in silence for a few moments then i heard the tattoo machine shut off, hwesung wiping my calf. "all done."

i smiled. "thank you." i got up to hug him.

he hugged back. "see? that wasn't so bad."

"it's because you distracted me." he chuckled. "you're not wrong."

i get up to leave as i felt a tug at my arm. i look up to hwesung writing his number on my hand. i mean yeah i've met him a few times when siyoung drags me here but i've only ever spoke to jaesuk, but not much hwesung.

i smiled. "i will give you a call." i then walked out to siyoung waiting.

"oh wow you had the guts this time." i rolled my eyes.

"it is very pretty though. i like it." what is this? a compliment from park siyoung? am i dreaming?

"thanks. now lets commit a double homicide."

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