28-pack it up fruitcakes we're fleeing

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park siyoung

it was the next day. half of me and dongpyo's stuff have been packed. we still have lots more to go. i looked at dongpyo, who was digging through draws of clothes and packing them in our suitcase. i smiled at him. "need help?"

"if you don't mind, please." he smiled back. i get up and went to help him pack clothes. as i was helping pack clothes, i see a zip-loc bag filled with...uno cards?

i look at dongpyo with the biggest smirk on my face. "wanna play our last round of uno in this house?" i asked. he nodded instantly. we sat down as i setted up the game. "just because i'm your boyfriend doesn't mean i play nice. i will kick your ass."

"my ass?! nah nah i'll give you a good ass fuck after this game." now considering to lose on purpose just to get fucked by dongpyo one last time in this house. i smirked. "it's on."

we play for a good few minutes. card after card being thrown into the pile. it came down to my last three cards. then dongpyo does the absolute unthinkable.

"pick up two." dongpyo smirks. i chuckled and put a plus two on top of his plus two "pick up four." i tell him. "nice and all but-" he puts down a plus four.

"-pick up eight." i widened my eyes with a smirk as i put down a plus four on top of his. "pick up twelve. uno."

seing dongpyo's face was priceless. he started aggressively drawing twelve cards as i laugh at his pain. "you're so cute when you're mad." i tell him. he smiled and leaned in to give me a kiss. "i love you." i tell him. "i love you too." he says back. we put the cards up and finished packing.

yoo douhyun

sangmin and i have been packing all day and night, while taking breaks in between to play overwatch. all our stuff has been packed. there was one thing i kept secret from sangmin and something i'll tell him eventually.

what's that secret you may ask? well some way somehow i'm in the process of buying a house for the both of us. i made a decent amount of money selling our cabin to chan and felix, who are starting a family soon. they thought the cabin was perfect. had to clean as deep as possible though.

as i'm packing up the last few things, i hear someone walk in to the house. we knew instantly who it was. me and sangmin ran to see who it was.

it was shouu and junhyuk. shouu was home. i couldn't be any happier. "EVERYONE! SHOUU IS HOME!"

"we are home, however he needs to rest! you can say hi later!" junhyuk takes his beloved shouu to their room. i nodded in agreement as everyone was out of their rooms already to come greet him.

"let him rest. they had a rough couple of days, especially junhyuk." they all nodded in agreement and went back to packing. i did the same aswell as sangmin.

lee junhyuk

i take shouu to our room, him still tired as fuck. "baby i wanna greet the others." he says. "babe you had a long couple of days. please rest. i'll pack for you."

"you sure? i can help if you wan't me t-"

"shouu. please. i have it from here. your health and safety is my priority. rest ok?" he sighed in defeat. he laid in bed and immediately fell asleep.

i started packing as much as we could take on the plane. i scheduled our flight early in the morning so we are out and ready. where we are fleeing to you may ask?

the united states.

shouu has been dreaming to move there for a while now and to start a new life. now is his chance.

now is our chance to live freely without our faces being on most wanted posters everywhere in the country.

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