Chapter 2) Tank

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Y/N quickly opens the car door. Her mind immediately jumps to the worst case scenario.

What if he thinks she's a threat? What if he's like the man who entered her office? Her thoughts are pushed aside as she realizes that the man is wearing a sheriffs uniform.

He has a hat, a badge and a large duffel bag filled with what looks to be guns.

She holds up her hands and she glances around for walkers. "Excuse me. Sir?"

He brings the horse to a stop and looks at her with wide eyes. It's obvious he wasn't expecting to find anyone.

His hand casually goes to the gun on his belt and she takes a small step back.

"What's your name?" He asks.


He nods. He's freshly shaven. He's not covered in blood like she is. He looks like he's been in a safe location. "Rick Grimes."

She lowers her arms as he removes his hand from his weapon. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asks her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She says with a small smile as she gestures to the horse.

He returns the smile and glances around, probably for walkers. "Looking for my family."

Y/N takes a breath as she answers his question. "Trying not to die." He smirks a little. She silently curses that this very handsome man has a family. She doesn't see a ring on his finger but some couples don't do rings.

He scratches his nose for a second in thought. "Get on."

She cocks her head. "Really?"

He nods and holds out his arm. She takes it and climbs on the back of the horse. Once she's up, she doesn't know what to do with her hands. It'd be weird to hold onto him seen as she just met him 2 minutes ago.

He grabs the reigns of the horse and adjusts his hat, glancing back at her, seeming to read her mind. "You're gonna have to hold on."

She blinks. She slowly puts her arms around his waist as he ushers the horse to start moving again. She notices the fact that he winced slightly when she touched a certain part of his stomach. Injury maybe?

She adjusts her arms to avoid that spot. Her pack is secured on her back, the blanket shoved inside.

He slowly makes his way around the other abandoned cars. It's very bumpy and quiet as the horse hoofs clop against the concrete.

She looks around, confused. Just last night the walkers were crawling the streets. Now it's a dead zone. Something is wrong.

They pass by a turned over bus and two walkers appear, starting to follow them. They growl and the horse whinnies slightly.

He adjusts his grip on the reigns and glances at them. "Steady." He says gently. "Just a few. Nothing we can't outrun."

Y/N feels the gun in her waistband shift as they continue down the street. She hasn't used any more bullets since the day she left her office building. She tends to just run and hide if she spots one. Not because she can't kill it, but because she doesn't want to waste the little ammo she has.

Another few walkers appear a bit down the road and Rick turns to avoid them. They pass by a tank sitting in the middle of the street. Suddenly a noise can be heard from above.

A helicopter. Rick slows down and Y/N glances up. She sees the aircraft in the reflection of a tall building. The man grabs the reigns tighter and whips them, causing the horse to speed up. They turn the corner trying to follow the noise when suddenly they are met with walkers.

Hundreds of them. They notice the two on the horse and start to follow them.

"Oh god." Y/N whispers as Rick turns back they way they came. Now the streets are filled with more walkers. They must've heard the noise too. They're drawn by noise.

Rick turns around to find that they're surrounded. Y/N bites her lip angrily. She could've stayed in her car. Why didn't she stay in the car? Now she's going to die with this sheriff in the middle of Atlanta.

Rick curses and tries to get them out but there is no escape. The horse lifts it's front legs in a panic and it throws the two to the ground. The bag he was carrying gets tossed to the front of the tank they passed earlier. The walkers start to grab onto the horse, digging their teeth in and Y/N covers her mouth as Rick holds out his arm to her.

She stands up and the two rush to the tank while the walkers are distracted. He gently pushes her to the ground in front of the vehicle and she crawls underneath. He follows suit but not without a few walkers noticing and crawling down to them.

He reaches for his gun and fires a shot killing one who got too close. Y/N glances up and realizes the hatch is open. "Rick!" She climbs up and he quickly follows after shooting one more, slamming it shut.

Now inside the tank, Rick notices the top hatch open as well so he reaches up and shuts it. The two sigh and sit against the cool metal walls. A military body sits next to Rick. The dead soldier has a gun and grenade. Rick reaches for it when suddenly it's jaws open and he tries to bite. Thankfully Rick acts fast and shoots it in the head, using his last bullet.

Y/N shuts her eyes and covers her ears as the ringing becomes unbearable. The noise of the bullet ricocheting off the walls.

After a moment, it stops. Y/N leans her head back with a sigh. "Looks like my idea of not dying is failing."

He huffs out a laugh. "If we wait it out, they might clear up and we can make a run for it."

She sighs again.

He checks the ammo in the gun from the soldier. He rubs his now hatless head. In the mix of the escape, it fell off and now sits by the duffel bag in the street. Y/N still has her bag on her shoulders.

They catch their breath when suddenly the radio in the tank crackles.

"Hey. Dumbasses. Yeah, y'all in the tank. Cozy in there?"

Y/N looks at Rick in disbelief. Someone was watching them.

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