Chapter 25) Barn

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Y/N is walking back to her tent when suddenly someone grabs her hand. She turns around to find Carl.

"Hey, bud." She sighs.

"Does Shane think Sophia is dead?"

Y/N wants to tell him the truth. Yes Shane does think Sophia is dead. But, it isn't her place to say anything. Carl loves Shane. Carl doesn't know who he really is. She wants to keep it that way.

"Shane's just scared." She replies.

"Of the walkers in the barn?"

She nods.

He lets go of her hand. "I'm not leaving until we find Sophia. And I don't want to go even after that."

She bends down so she can be his at height. "It'll be okay Carl. No matter what happens. Everything will be okay."

He nods and hugs her. "Thanks Y/N."

She smiles as he trots off, but her smile fades when she sees Lori staring at her.

The look on her face is odd. She almost seems... upset? Y/N tries to toss her a light smile but Lori doesn't reciprocate it.

"Okay then..." Y/N mumbles as she enters her tent.
Later, the group is gathered on the porch.

Rick is gone. He and Andrea were supposed to go look for Sophia. Dale and Shane are also MIA.

Daryl is pissed. They have a trail and they should follow it, instead people are slacking off.

Suddenly Shane walks up holding a bag of guns.

Daryl motions toward him. "What's all this?"

"You with me, man?" He asks, holding out a gun.

Daryl nods. "Yeah."

"Time to grow up." Shane says, starting to hand out more guns.

"Where's Dale?" Y/N asks. She's noticed the tension between the two. She can only hope that Shane didn't murder him like he did Otis.

"He's on his way." Shane says.

"Thought we couldn't carry?" Andrea asks.

"We can and we will. Look, it was one thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't." He continues passing out guns.

Once he gets to Y/N's he holds it out to her. She clenches her jaw. "Rick said no guns. This is not your call. If you do this. If you pass out these guns, Hershel will make us leave."

Shane shrugs and cocks Y/N's gun, aiming it at her. "You're either with us, or you ain't."

Carl gasps. "Shane!"

Daryl holds out his arm. Glenn's eyes widen. T-Dog looks at him. "Are you crazy, man?"

Shane doesn't lower the gun. Y/N grinds her teeth and sets her forehead against the barrel of the gun. "Do it then. You've already threatened me before."

His eyes widen. Lori looks at him. "What is she talking about?"

Even Maggie looks nervous. "Answer her."

Shane doesn't say anything. He slowly moves his finger off the trigger and puts the safety on, handing Y/N her gun.

She takes a sigh of relief and Carl hugs her torso. She glances at the others to let them know she's okay.

Suddenly T-Dog looks in the distance. "Oh, sh*t."

Everyone looks over and sees Jimmy, Rick, and Hershel holding walkers on the edge of snare poles.

Shane quickly hands the rest of the guns out. As they get closer he drops the bag. "What is that? What is that?" He shouts as he starts running down the hill towards the barn.

The others follow him, just as confused. Shane meets the three men in front of the barn. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Shane, just back off." Rick says.

Hershel spots the weapons and turns toward Rick. "Why do your people have guns?"

Shane scoffs. "Are you kidding me? You see? You see what they're holding onto?"

Hershel shakes his head. "I see who i'm holding onto."

By now, Patricia and Beth have also joined the entire group in the field.

"No, man. You don't." Shane says.

Rick holds out the arm not holding the pole. "Shane, just let us do this and then we can talk."

"What do you want to talk about, Rick? These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill! These things right here, they're the things that killed Amy. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all of us."

"Shane, shut up!" Rick shouts.

"Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?" He pulls out his gun and shoots the walker three times.

"No!" Rick yells.

Hershel's face is blank as the female walker he's holding onto, doesn't die.

"That's three rounds in the chest! Could someone who's alive, could they just take that?" Shane shouts, firing two more bullets. "That's it's heart. It's lungs. Why is it still coming?"

"Shane, enough!" Rick says.

"Yeah, you're right man. That is enough." He fires one final bullet into the walkers skull and she goes falling to the ground.

After a silent moment, Shane turns to the others who stand quietly. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us. Enough. Rick, it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all want to live, if you want to survive, you got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here, right now."

Shane starts walking over to the barn doors. Y/N looks around at the others. Nobody tries to stop him.

Rick tries handing the pole to Hershel but he doesn't take it. He just kneels on the floor, realizing everything he had believed is wrong.

"Shane, this is not how we do this!" Y/N says.

He breaks open the chains and lets the doors open. "It is now."

Everyone holds up their weapons. Y/N looks back at Rick. He's still holding the pole. She sighs and shoots it in the head. He drops the pole, but it's too late.

The walkers are exiting the barn.

They start firing. One walker after the next. It seems never ending. Bullets. Shots. Constantly.

The shooting lasts minutes. Finally, the walkers are dead.

Patricia and Maggie hold onto Beth and Hershel. They're in shock. Tears fill their eyes.

Suddenly growling is heard from inside. There's still more.

Everyone gets their weapons ready but falter when they realize who it is.


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