Chapter 45) Shock

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Everything is a blur.

Y/N grabs her sword and stabs the walker in the head. Her eyes fill with tears but she blinks them away.

Maggie lets out a scream and Glenn wraps his arms around her. Walkers are heard getting closer, cutting them off. People are shouting.

Y/N runs to help Hershel up with Rick. They lead the way with Hershel who's groaning in pain the whole time. The others bring up the rear.

They come to a dead end. "We're blocked!" Y/N shouts.

They backtrack and find a door, chains wrapped around the handles. "Get that door open!" Daryl shouts, shooting an arrow into the skull of a walker behind them.

T-Dog rushes to the front of the group and uses a tool to break it open. They all go inside and slam the doors shut. Y/N and Rick lay Hershel down on the concrete floor.

She glances around and realizes that they are inside the cafeteria. She hands Rick her sword with a grimace, knowing what needs to be done.

"Hold him down!" Rick yells to Glenn.

He and T-Dog do, while Y/N hugs Maggie tightly as she cries.

It takes a two slices to cut off Hershel's leg. He ends up passing out.

Rick wipes his own forehead, smearing blood. "He's loosing too much blood."

Suddenly Daryl points his crossbow at the wall behind them. "Duck." He says.

Everyone obeys instantly. They look up and see five men in prison uniforms staring back at them in shock, behind a grated window.

The blonde man inhales sharply. "Holy sh*t."

Daryl takes a few menacing steps forward, his crossbow not wavering. "Who the hell are you?"

"Who they hell are we? Who the hell are you?" One of them asks.

Rick looks to Y/N who's still cradling Maggie.
"He's bleeding out. We gotta go back."

Daryl nods his head at the men. "Come on out.
Slow and steady."

The five men, work their way out of the back room and into the main area where the rest of the group eyes them carefully.

A hispanic man with long back hair, points at Hershel. "What happened to him?"

"He got bit." Daryl says.

"Bit?" The man pulls a gun from his waistband and T-Dog aims his own gun at him.

Daryl steps closer, crossbow still aimed at him.
"Easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt."

Glenn walks past the prisoners into the other room. "You got medical supplies?"

The tall black man holds his arm out. "Where do you think you're going?"

The long haired one eyes the group. "Who the hell are you people anyway?"

The blonde one nods. "Ain't look like no rescue team."

Rick motions for Y/N and Maggie to help lift Hershel onto a table.

Y/N picks her sword up off the floor, sliding it back into its holster. "If a rescue team is what you're waiting for, don't." She says.

They all gather up their weapons and grab hold of the table Hershel lays on.

T-Dog opens the door to the hall, killing a walker outside. They quickly make their way back to their cell block, leaving the prisoners and Hershel's leg behind.
"Open the door, Carl!" Rick yells out. Carl quickly unlocks the door to the cells, eyes wide when he sees Hershel missing a leg.

Everyone quickly enters but Daryl and Y/N, who stay in the other room, weapons now raised towards the door that leads to the corridors.

The five prisoners enter. Daryl grinds his teeth. "That's far enough."

The long haired man, holds his gun. "Cell block
C. Cell four, that's mine, gringo. Let me in.

"Today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia, you're free to go." Daryl tells them.

The man narrows his eyes glancing toward the cell block where voices are heard trying to save Hershel's life. "What you got going on in there?"

"Nothing that concerns you." Y/N says.

He aims his gun at her angrily. "Don't be telling me what's my concern.

Daryl steps closer. "Watch it." He warns.

The tall black man speaks again, to his friend.
"Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we're free now! Why are we still in here?"

The hispanic man shakes his head. "Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in, got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go!"

"Go find out." Y/N says.

The blonde one looks nervous. "Maybe we'll just be going now."

The long haired man shouts. "We ain't leaving!"

T-Dog walks out of the cell block holding a gun.
"You ain't coming here either."

"Hey, this is my house, my rules, I go where I damn well please!"

Daryl nudges his crossbow. "There ain't nothing for you here, why don't you go back to your own sandbox?"

Rick walks out of the cell block glancing at the men. "Everyone relax, there's no need for this."

The man with the gun nods towards the other room. "How many of you in there?"

Rick tilts his head. "Too many for you to handle."

"You guys rob a bank or something? Why don't you take him to a hospital?" One of the men says.

Y/N glances at Rick who returns the look. He turns back to the men. "How long have you been locked in that cafeteria?"

"Going on like 10 months."

The tall black man nods. "A riot broke out. Never seen anything like it."

A shorter black man speaks for the first time.
"Ever heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy."

The long haired man speaks again. "One guard looked out for us, locked us up in the cafeteria, told us to sit tight, threw me this piece, said he'd be right back."

There's a pause and the taller man sighs. "That was 292 days ago."

"94 according to my-" the blonde starts but gets cut off by the gun-wielding man. "Shut up!"

"We were thinking that the army or the national guard should be showing up any day now." The tall one says.

Rick sighs. "There is no army."

The other man lowers his gun. "What?"

"There isn't anything. No government. No army. No hospitals. It's all gone." Rick says.

The men go silent, taking it all in. Finally, the hispanic waves his gun again. "I don't believe you."

Y/N sighs, pointing at the door to the outside. "Go see for yourself."

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