Chapter 59) Picture

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"Keep an eye out for booby traps." Rick tells Y/N.

They near a building that is protected by dozens of spears.

"Looks like he's gotten pretty creative so far." He says.

"I thought we were just gonna get in, and get out?" Y/N asks, genuinely.

"I'm not leaving him out on the street."

Y/N thinks for a minute and then her eyes widen. "Is he the one who saved you? The one you left the map for back at the quarry?"

"Yeah. He wasn't like this then."

He glances down the street where the man named Morgan is still unconscious. Carl has his gun drawn in case he wakes up.

Rick looks back at Y/N. "Jesus, he has a son."

"Think he's in there?" She nods her head towards the building they're in front of.

"Only one way to find out." He replies, slowly making his way forward until he makes it in front of the door.

He goes to step forward but Y/N grabs his shoulder. "Don't."

He looks down at the welcome mat and slowly lifts it up to reveal a hole in the ground, filled with metal spikes.

"Thank you." He says.

She nods and the two go back to the street to Morgan.

Slowly but surely, they manage to hoist the man's arms over each of their shoulders and start to bring him inside.

They get to the top of the stairs where a large sheet hangs, the words 'Not shitting you' painted onto it.

Y/N goes to take a step but Rick tells her to stop.

She looks down and sees a tripwire just inches from her shoe.

They manage to get over it and Rick pulls back the curtain to reveal a large bloody axe that would've been released if the wire was touched.

"Carl, watch the wire." Y/N tells the boy who follows behind them.

They make it inside what looks to be the bedroom and stop walking. The walls are covered in words.

A large arsenal of weapons sits to their left.

Rick sighs. "I showed him that weapons locker last year."

"And it had all of this in it?" Y/N asks.

"No, not even half. He's been busy."

Rick and Y/N lead the man over to the cot in the corner of the room. They lay him down.

Y/N walks back over to Carl and the two begin filling their bags with boxes of ammo and weapons.

Rick suddenly speaks. "No."

He turns around to face the two who stare at him with confused looks. "We're gonna wait for him to wake up. Make sure he's okay."

Normally, Y/N would disagree. Normally, she would tell him that the man is dangerous and a wildcard.

Except she doesn't. She doesn't because she notices the graffiti on the wall. 'Duane turned'

She can only assume that Duane was Morgan's son.

She knows how much this means to Rick.

So instead she says: "Okay."
"What do you see?" Rick asks Carl, who's staring at one of the graffiti walls.

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