Chapter 46) Deal

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Outside, the prisoners bask in the warmth of the sunlight, and the feel of the breeze.

One of them tilts his head up. "Damn, the sun feels good."

The blonde chews his fingernails, looking at the bodies on the concrete. "They're all dead..."

The tall man pokes one with a stick. "So, what is this? Like a disease?"

Rick nods. "Yeah, but we're all infected."

The blonde raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean, infected? Like AIDS or something?"

"If I was to kill you, shoot an arrow in your chest, you come back as one of these things. It's gonna happen to all of us." Daryl tells him.

The hispanic looks at Rick. "Where'd y'all come from?"


"Where are you headed?"

"For now, nowhere."

The hispanic points down towards the grass. "I guess y'all can take the area down there by the water."

Rick shakes his head. "We're using that field for crops."

The other man eyes him. "We'll help you move your gear."

Rick crosses his arms. "That won't be necessary.
We took out these walkers, this prison is ours."

The shorter man takes a step closer. "You snatched the lock off our doors."

T-Dog shrugs. "We can give you new locks if you want."

The hispanic grinds his teeth. "This is our prison!
We were here first."

"Locked in the broom closet? We took it, set you free, it's ours, we spilled blood." Rick says.

"We're moving back into our cell block." He says.

"Find your own." Y/N says.

"It is mine. I've still got personal artifacts in there, that's about as mine as it gets!" He pulls out his gun and aims it at Y/N.

His face pales slightly when he notices her sword, under his chin.

"Sure you wanna do that?" She asks him with a small smile.

T-Dog raises his own gun. Daryl holds up his crossbow and looks at Rick. He's holding his hand up, not taking his eyes off of Y/N.

The blonde tries to break it up. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, maybe let's try to make this work out so everybody wins!"

"I don't see that happening." The hispanic man says.

Rick nods. "Neither do I."

After a moment, the man lowers his gun. Y/N takes a step away from him, her sword going back to its holster.

Daryl, T-Dog and Rick all look at her in concern. She nods slightly to let them know that she's fine.

Rick and the man negotiate. In exchange for clearing out a new cell block, Ricks group will get half of the leftover food from the cafeteria.

"Deal." The man says.

She learns that the hispanic man is Tomas. The blonde is Axel. The tall man is Big Tiny. The short one is Andrew, and the other black man is Oscar.

The guys go with the prisoners to get some of the food, and Y/N goes back into the cell block.

Upon entering, she walks into Hershel's cell. He's laying on the bed, passed out. The bandages covering his stump are soaked in blood.

Maggie sits on the floor silently staring at the wall.

Y/N sighs, sitting down next to her. Maggie looks up. She has tears forming in her eyes. "We shouldn't have let him go. We cleared this block with just the few of us."

Y/N hugs Maggie from the side. "He's gonna be okay. He will be."

She nods slightly, wiping a few tears away. Footsteps are heard outside the cell and they look up to see Glenn. Y/N stands, giving them both a sad smile before leaving them alone.

She walks into her and Ricks cell and sits on the edge of the bunk. She sits there quietly for some time, just lost in her own thoughts.

A rattle on her cell door breaks her trance. "Coming?" It's Daryl. It must be time to find the prisoners a new cell block.

She nods, following him into the other room where T-Dog and Rick already stand with the five men.

They start handing melee weapons to them, earning a scoff from Tomas.

"Why do we need these, when I have a gun?"

"You don't fire guns. Not unless your back's up against the wall. Noise attracts them, really riles them up." Daryl replies.

Rick nods. "We'll go in two by two. Y/N will run point with Daryl. T, with Oscar and Axel. Tomas and Big Tiny. I'll bring up the rear with Andrew."

"Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head." He finishes.

Y/N nods. "That's where you aim. The brain.
They only go down with a head shot."

Tomas glances at her. "Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man."

T-Dog rolls his eyes. "These ain't men. They're something else."

"Just remember. The brain." Rick says, losing patience.

The group exits, back into the corridors. They walk quietly through the halls when suddenly footsteps are heard around the corner.

"It's coming!" Axel shouts.

"Shhh!" Y/N says.

Two walkers turn into the hallway and groan.

Before anyone can do anything, the five prisoners break formation and start charging the walkers, screaming.

They start beating up the walkers. Stabbing, hitting, kicking them.

Y/N sighs and looks over at Daryl, T-Dog and Rick.

Daryl lifts his crossbow, shooting one of the walkers. "It's gotta be the brain! Not the stomach, not the heart. The brain."

Oscar slices a walker in the head. "Like that?"

"Yeah." Y/N says, stabbing a nearby walker in the

Rick shouts at the others. "Stay in tight formation! No more of that prison riot sh*t."

More walkers turn the corner. Big Tiny tries backing away when suddenly he shouts in pain.

A walker has scratched him.

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