Chapter 29) Car

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"Let's head back." Glenn says after checking on Y/N.

They start for the doors when they can hear a car approaching outside.

Rick whispers for everyone to get down. They all duck. Y/N and Rick are right next to each other, their legs rubbing against the other.

Glenn and Hershel are on the other side, the door in between the two pairs.

Suddenly the engine cuts and a car door opens. A male voice can be heard outside. "Dave? Tony? They said over here right?"

Another voice speaks. "Yeah."

A third man speaks. "I'm telling you, I heard shots."

Voice #1 shouts. "Dave! Tony?"

"Shut up! Don't bring the roamers down on us." Voice #2 says.

The voices slowly get fainter. They hear them checking nearby stores and buildings.

Glenn glances over at Rick. "Why won't they leave?" He whispers.

Hershel shakes his head. "We can't sit here any longer."

"Let's head out the back. Make our way to the car." Rick says.

Before they can get up, gunshots echo outside.

"What happened?" Voice #3 says.

"Roamers. I nailed 'em." One of the others say.

Suddenly there are footsteps on the small porch just outside the bar. "Anyone check this one?"

Various "No's" are said.

"We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checks the damn bar?"

The door starts to push open but Glenn quickly throws his weight against it.

The men outside pause. "Someone's in there. Someone pushed it shut."

"Yo, if anyone's in there, we don't want no trouble. We're just looking for our friends." A man says loudly.

Y/N covers her mouth to keep quiet. Rick gently sets his hand on her leg, to comfort her. It quite literally does the opposite, instead, making her more nervous but for a different reason.

The voices outside try to decide what to do. The same male voice speaks loudly again. "If something happened, tell us. This place is crawling with corpses. If you can help us not get killed, I'd appreciate it."

The four glance at each other. One of the men outside says he's gonna go around to the back.

Rick suddenly speaks. "They drew on us!"

Y/N's eyes widen. One of the men speaks. "Dave and Tony in there? They alive?"

"No." Rick says.

Voice #2 starts to get angry. "They killed Dave and Tony."

"Cmon let's go." Voice #1 says.

"No, I'm not leaving, I'm not telling Jane. I'm not gonna go back and tell them that Dave and Tony got shot by some assholes in a bar."

Rick speaks again. "Your friends drew on us! They gave us no choice! I'm sure we've all lost enough people, done things we wish we didn't have to, but it's like that now. You know that! So let's just chalk this up to what it was... Wrong place, wrong-"

Suddenly a bullet flies through the glass window above Y/N and Rick. Glass falls on them. She gasps.

"Get outta here!" He tells the other three.

Y/N army crawls on the floor to get to safety. If she stands, she risks getting shot. Glenn and Hershel do the same. They make it to the bar counter.

Bullets continue to fire. Glass continues to shatter. Rick motions for Y/N, Glenn and Hershel to go to the back, away from the gunfire.

Y/N shakes her head. She isn't leaving him here. She pulls her gun out of her waistband and checks the ammo. Nine bullets. That's all she has.

After a moment Rick makes his way over to Y/N who's leaning against the cabinets on the inner section of the bar. Broken bottles surround her.

He looks at the three. "I'll hold them here. You both cover Glenn. See if you can make it to the car."

Hershel nods, grabbing his shotgun and heading to the back. Glenn follows him. Y/N doesn't move.

"I'm staying with you." She whispers to him.

He knows he won't be able to convince her so he just nods. He stands up straight, from his originally seated position, and fires some bullets out the broken glass. Y/N does the same, firing off three rounds.

She hears a shout and realizes that she hit someone. From the back, there's suddenly a gunshot and a thud. Rick and Y/N glance at each other before rushing to the other room.

Rick stands behind her to block any shots from the men outside. They enter the dark room and find Hershel staring out an open door.

"What happened?" Y/N whispers.

"He fired. He must've hit Glenn. He's behind the dumpster. Doesn't look like he's moving." Hershel points at a injured man in the grass to the left.

To the right, you can just barely see Glenn's feet. Y/N whispers. "Glenn! You okay?" There's no answer.

She sighs and sucks in a deep breath before rushing out the door, through the small alley until she reaches the dumpster. She hears Rick whisper her name from behind her.

She falls down next to Glenn. He's holding his gun to his chest and huffing. "Are you okay?" She asks.

He nods. "Cars right there." He points. It's about fifteen feet away, in direct view of the street.

Suddenly Rick and Hershel arrive by the dumpster. They sigh of relief when they see that Glenn and Y/N are okay.

"We can make it." Rick says.

The four stand and start their sprint to the car. Gunshots go off all around them. Y/N lifts her gun and fires off another two rounds. There's someone on a roof. Walkers start to appear from the woods.

The men are shouting. A kid tries jumping down from the roof but lands on a metal fence impaling his leg.

A car speeds off, someone aiming a gun out the window and firing.

Y/N suddenly gasps as a bullet flies into the side of her torso. She presses her hand against the bleeding wound and collapses to the concrete street.

Rick yells. Hershel fires his shotgun, aiming at the fleeing car. Glenn bends down to her.

Her vision blurs and the last thing she sees is Rick kneeling over her, pressing his hands to her side.

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